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on 10/18/05 1:52 pm - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Approved for TT
Hi Jennifer. Congrats on being approved for your TT! You have done so well, and you look great already! Peg
on 10/18/05 1:25 pm - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Nervous about doctor visit in the morning
Thanks, Dianne. Hope you are doing okay. I know you are struggling to maintain and not lose at this point. I'm cheering you on. Peg
on 10/18/05 11:34 am - Bonifay, FL
Topic: Approved for TT
Hello its been awhile since I posted was waiting till I found out something about my TT... Well I've finally be approved..YESSSSSSSSSSSss Now I'm just waiting for Jan 2,2006 Cause I had just started working again and I don't want to already need time off work so I figured I would wait till after christmas and then have it done... That way walmart is not so busy.. Beings that is where I'm working.. And I'm working in Layaway and we all know that is busy right now at this time of year... So I've already got the time off work... Hope everyone is doing good... I think I have finally stop loosing... I'm down to 136 from 280 and I feel great... Was also wanting to ask.. If you've already had a TT how many cloths sizes did you drop after your TT.. Talk to yall soon... JENNIFER
on 10/18/05 8:12 am - Twin Cities, MN
Topic: Back update
So, I'm scheduled for spinal decompression surgery on Thursday morning. Apparently this isn't caused by being a fattie, or by my running. I have a genetic condition that causes premature degeneration of the discs in my spine. I'll keep you posted. My doc says to be hopeful - I should be able to feel my leg again, I should be able to walk again soon, and that I should be able to start running again - even keep training for my marathon. Wishing the best for all, ~Lara Say a little prayer?
on 10/18/05 5:01 am - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: Nervous about doctor visit in the morning
Hi Peg, Congratulations on getting your Feeding tube out! I hope you continue to improve medically. Rae, hang in there with work. 4 weeks is a long time to be out. I don't think I'll ever have the time to do plastic surgery. Oh well. Dianne 340/138
on 10/18/05 4:29 am - Beaumont, CA
Topic: RE: PCOS? OR just destined to remain fat?
Hi, I have (had?) PCOS too. I had years of infertility treatments (while taking glucophage), followed by a successful pregnancy due to in vitro, then had my son at 24 weeks 5 days gestation. (Check out my webpage at for pictures.) I had my surgery at 278.5. I am now down to 137 and still seem to be losing. I quit taking glucophage the day before my surgery, and apparently no longer need it. I don't know if I had PCOS because I was heavy, or if the PCOS made me heavy. The infertility drugs didn't help!!! I started out my "journey" with infertility at 234 lbs. I had my son at around 240 lbs. I don't know about your particular case, but I can certainly relate to the agony of PCOS. DEFINITELY get your doctor to put you on glucophage!!! It made a HUGE difference with me, my eating, etc. What is your blood sugar like? Do/ did you have infertility? If you want to email me directly, write to me at [email protected] Hope I helped! Aimee Corcoran
Lois N.
on 10/17/05 9:45 pm - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Topic: RE: who is at goal?
Good morning everybody, I am below my and the doc's expectations. I am at 139 and was sure I would never go below 170. This is the lowest I ever remember being. I am a size 8 and have reached my goal at about the 1 yr point. I still lose a couple occasionly but I seem to come back to 139. Never felt better and would not change a thing. People actually tell me I am too small...go figure Have a good day everybody! Lois
on 10/17/05 4:07 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Nervous about doctor visit in the morning
Hi RAE. Thanks for your encouragement. I just got back from the doctor's office, and I am now without my feeding tube! Yay! He also said my infection is gone and my lab work looks good. I am still anemic, but he said that should subside in about 6 months. I just read your recent profile entry. Way to go on the TT! I will be thinking good thoughts about you as you head back to work. Take it easy. Thanks again for writing. Peg
Rae Smiles
on 10/17/05 3:16 am - Mount Airy, MD
Topic: RE: Nervous about doctor visit in the morning
Peg, my fingers are crossed for some good news.... Best wishes!! RAE
on 10/16/05 9:19 pm - Beaverton, OR
Topic: Nervous about doctor visit in the morning
Hi all. Well, it's 4:15 a.m., and I can't sleep. I have to be at my surgeon's office at 9:30, and I'm nervous about the results of my bloodwork from last week. I haven't seen my doctor in almost 3 weeks, and I am so hoping that I am healthy enough to get my feeding tube removed. I am also hoping that the infection/abscess is gone where they removed the rest of my stomach, my spleen, and part of my pancreas. I was on antibiotics for 8 weeks, and I'm hoping I don't have to go back on them again. We'll see. I do feel better and am eating better, so that's good. I know for most of us we don't want to eat much, but for me, I need to maintain my weight so that the feeding tube can be removed. I'll work on losing more weight after that. I just needed to vent. It's been a long recovery since my second surgery August 12th. I'm glad I have a place where I can come and talk. Thanks for listening. Peg
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