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Rae Smiles
on 11/12/05 10:50 am - Mount Airy, MD
Topic: RE: 3 Months since 2nd Surgery!
Peg, I am so glad that you have come through your ordeal with a happy ending....I was wondering how things were going...but was afraid to ask. Best wishes to you for continued good health. RAE
on 11/12/05 9:35 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Whoa Mama.
Beth, I'm thinking about you and wishing you well. God bless. Peg
on 11/12/05 9:34 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: my first 1/2 marathon turning miles into smiles
Donna, you go girl! I'm supporting some other causes, sorry I can't help, but I'm wishing you well. Peg
on 11/12/05 9:32 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: New Photos
Toni, what an amazing transformation! I love the way you showed your progress in pictures. They truly are worth a thousand words! Congrats! Peg
on 11/12/05 9:25 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Depression
Hi Janie. Sorry to hear about your depression. Been there, done that. I actually went off of Lexapro for depression and Buspar for anxiety last May. I had been on them for awhile. I think what helped me the most was my therapist. It really helps to talk with a professional. Are you seeing someone that way? Good luck, and keep us posted on how you are doing. There are a lot of people here who are praying for you. Peg
on 11/12/05 9:06 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: 3 Months since 2nd Surgery!
Hi everyone. Today marks 3 months since I had my 2nd surgery, and I am cancer free! My first surgery, which was a modified RNY, was April 27, 2004. They removed 9/10 of my stomach because of cancer and my gallbladder. On August 12, 2005, they removed the rest of my stomach along with my spleen and part of my pancreas and made me a pouch for a stomach. It works great, and I am able to eat almost anything. I just follow the rules about not eating and drinking at the same time. I am so greatful to the Lord, my family, and all of my friends, and I just wanted to share my thankfulness with you since the OH Messageboard has been there throughout most of this with me. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I am so glad that we can share our experiences with each other and give each other hope. I hope you continue to reach for your dreams because you're worth it! Peg
Brown Eyes KY
on 11/11/05 10:23 pm - KY
Topic: RE: Whoa Mama.
Ummm...congratulations??? Seriously, I think babies are the most precious gift (just a gift I would rather not receive again, thanks). Best wishes, Donna
on 11/10/05 10:37 pm - Eleva, WI
Topic: RE: Depression
Absolutely, but I was depressed pretty much all my life. Started doing some therapy this summer, then lost my insurance, hoping to start back up again this winter. Apparently I'm pretty messed up. HA! I've been taking Effexor (prozac made my anxiety really really bad) in the morning and Trazadone (another anti-depressant that helps to sleep) in the PM. I still cry for no reason and feel pretty crappy, but its much better. I was always (still am-hence not making goal yet) an emotional eater. Some days I get even more tearfull when all I want to do is eat so I can "feel better" and I can't. Sucks having to deal with sh**
on 11/10/05 4:04 am - Independence, IA
Topic: RE: Depression
I'm actually having a good today... Have't felt like crying once!!! I talked with my Dr. today and told her I have some concerns about the Paxil. She said there's a Paxil CR (?), but it's time released and she's not sure how I would digest it. She told me think thinks I'll do fine and wants me to stay with it for 3-6 mos. We'll see. My dr. has also WLS surgery so is pretty aware of some of the problems that can bring on as well. Thanks for your help and suggestions. I'm just starting the book and am totally looking forward to feeling better. Janie
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