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on 12/5/05 12:11 pm - York, PA
Topic: RE: funny story....
Rae, I can totally understand, my daughter keeps telling me that she is buying size 10's so I can share them with her, but I actually wear a 4's and 6's. I see my daughter gaining weight and I try not to hurt her but she does not understand I never want her to get to the point I did. I do not want to upset her so I try not to let her know my pant size. My family is having fits about how thin I am even though I am very happy, I would be happier 10 lbs thinner but I do not think that will happen until this summer. Just take the comments with a grain of salt and consider the source because I am sure you look fabu. Lori 258/138
on 12/5/05 12:06 pm - York, PA
Topic: RE: My How We Have ALL Changed!
A few months ago my best friend told me that she has me back. I guess what she means is that I am no longer her meloncholly friend who hates herself and has eaten herself fat. My daughter has told me that I am more conceited since I lost weight but I think I am more confident. I am struggling with the change in my appearance and how I am treated differntly by people who did not know me fat. I personally feel I did not change much except for the way I carry myself, I have the body I always dreamed of less the wrinkles and sagging skin, but I am still the same person and at times still lost trying to find my way home. Lori 258/138
Rae Smiles
on 12/5/05 10:59 am - Mount Airy, MD
Topic: RE: funny story....
Dianne, you and my husband have the same theory...she is jealous...but I refuse to react to her absurd I stayed calm...I have a very weird sense of humor and I had the urge to bend over, hold my stomach and laugh so hard...she probably wouldn't have gotten the joke....LOL BTW, everytime I see your picture, I have the urge to tell you have beautiful you are.... RAE
on 12/5/05 4:47 am - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: funny story....
That is unbelievable. I can't believe you weren't furious. I feel like I'm anourexic and I wear a size 6. They are loose in the butt and thighs, but I can't button a 4 because of my stomach skin. 6 is TINY!! She's just jealous! Dianne
Rae Smiles
on 12/5/05 1:03 am - Mount Airy, MD
Topic: funny story....
My mother-in-law has a weird idea of healthy weight, overweight, etc....anyway, she has been having some issues with my weightloss...but I say, too bad so sad...the family has always said that her 'skinny" body is her claim to fame.... But as background....she does not know that I had WLS. She never says anything directly to me about my weight, rather she says things to all the relatives...Rebecca has lost so much weight, I don't know what Rebecca is doing, but I hope she keeps it up...blah, blah, get the idea.... By-the-way, I really do love her...except for her weirdness about weight issues, she really is a nice person.... Anyway, on Saturday I took her shopping...we were Christmas shopping and shopping for ourselves... In Anne Taylor she saw a pair of trousers that she liked. I pointed out that THOSE trousers would not fit her because they were not petite...she is barely 5' as we walked to the back of the store, I picked up several sized 6 trousers for me (not petite) we arrived in the petite area, I found the trousers she had been I handed them to her, she noticed the size 6's over my arm...she quickly pointed out that she wouldn't try those on because she wears an 8....It gave me great pleasure to say, with a straight face, those are mine...she looked at me, got quiet for a few seconds then said, oh those are fat size 6, I wear petites.... Usually I have the power to ignore her little comments...this time, I smiled and slowly explained that petites is just that...for women who are shorter, shorter waisted, shorter arms, etc...I am not sure she believed me. When I told my husband this story, he got angry....he keeps telling me that I need to stop losing weight...anyway, I finally got him to see the humor...his mother is 85 yrs old...why get upset with her...she isn't going to change... But just so you hear it from ME first, I wear a FAT size 6!!!! LOL Best to everyone, RAE
on 12/4/05 12:03 am - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: My How We Have ALL Changed!
Thanks for the post Donna. You are so right. This surgery changed my life so much for the better. I do things I never could have done before, mainly talk to people, socialize, etc. My life is better than I could have ever imagined. I will be praying for you tomorrow, for a speedy recovery! Dianne
Donna Paige
on 12/3/05 10:19 pm - Pottstown, PA
Topic: My How We Have ALL Changed!
I was just reading post on the board and thinking to myself just how much the faces of this board have really changed in the past 19+ months. We are thinner and there are smiles on our faces and everybody just looks so young and rejuvinated. It's amazing just HOW MUCH this surgery has changed the lives of millions. Thank God for the knowledge of these surgeons who can make such a difference in people's lifes. I can't imagine that I would even be here now had I not had this surgery. I actually look forward to waking up in the mornings now. I enjoy going out among people again. Now I know when I'm getting stares it's not because my body is so HUGE that they look at me as some sort of freak show. But.. on occasion that thought does cross my mind when I get a look. I guess my reflections are such because I know I again am going to have a changing surgery. My body will never look like it did before. It's like becoming a whole new person. And on that note I'll quit rambling. Big Kuddos to all you good looking people! Donna Paige 339/148
Donna Paige
on 12/3/05 9:58 pm - Pottstown, PA
Topic: RE: Yahoo! APPROVED! YES!
I'm getting a wee bit nervous today. The surgery is tomorrow. My sister is coming up from North Carolina to help me out for a few days. I've got all my christmas shopping done just in case I don't feel like treking around the shopping malls. Thanks goodness I had kept the tags on a few of my suits I had in a size 12. They were starting to get a little big so I decided to just hold off on wearing them. I tend to get in the 10's on a more consistent basis now. I'm hoping for some 8's after these surgeries. I'm really gonna miss have large breast but what can you do. Large breast that look like mashed potatoes shoved in a sock ain't so great. Perky little ones will be much better. It snowed here today and suppose to on Monday but I believe I will be at the hospital having my body reconstructed when this happens. Just hope my family gets home safely. You guys take care and I'll probably chat with you in a week or two depending on how I feel. BTW, you ALL look great. Donna Paige 339/148 praying for at least a 10lb drop after removing this large stomach.
on 12/2/05 8:57 pm - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: Yahoo! APPROVED! YES!
Thanks Peg, I'll keep that in mind. Dianne
on 12/2/05 10:21 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Yahoo! APPROVED! YES!
Hi Dianne. You look so pretty in your picture. Hey, I wanted to give you a heads up when you reply to a post. If you click the Reply button below the picture of the person you are replying to, they will get an email message in addition to the one that is posted on the OH board. However, if you click Reply at the end of the string of people who have replied, the person who last wrote gets that email message. That's what happened in this case when you replied to Donna's post. I was the last person to write, so I got your email response instead of Donna. It was nice reading your response, but I thought you might want to know for another time so that the recipient also gets your email message. Hope you are having a great day. God bless. Peg
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