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Rae Smiles
on 12/19/05 3:53 am - Mount Airy, MD
Topic: RE: ** Monday Roll Call -- BRR!
Hi Peg, I too started wearing lipstick in the 7th grade....was wearing foundation shortly there-after as I have TERRIBLE facial hair, LOL I typically wear a face full of make up each day, if I am leaving the house...but nothing too heavy. I prefer bottled water OR flavored water....I have no idea why, but plain tap water upsets my stomach....but only since WLS. I was born in 1968, and I remember buying my first new car in 1987...high grade gas was under $1 per gallon.....while somethings are higher, others are now cheaper...I am thinking about airline tickets...remember when an airplane ticket cost thousands of dollars? Not any more!! Best to all!! RAE
(deactivated member)
on 12/19/05 3:47 am - XX
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
How is the Other love of my life just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you and the family tell Jim I said hello Karaoke Lee
karaoke Nadine
on 12/19/05 3:01 am - Wherever I Take My Shoes Off!, CA
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
(((((((((((((((Rachel))))))))))))))) Thanks for giving me you're input. When I see you, I look at you and wish I could be just like you. You are exactly what I want to be. You have great legs. Muah! Hey I hope you and Jim have a great Christmas. Love Ya!!! Nadine
on 12/19/05 2:45 am - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
Hey my fellow Apriler and dear friend! I can't eat as much as before, but I can eat enough to gain weight. And I have grazing down. I'm struggling so hard to maintain right now. I think the ONLY thing saving me is my consistant work out routine. But even my running has faultered lately. I'm so lucky to be working in a gym. But I gained 4lbs with my cruise and was already up 3lbs from my lowest weight. So I've got 7lbs that is hanging on. It's scary to feel out of control again. I stopped losing weight at about 8 months post op, so my last 10lbs was all hard work, but I felt like I had to self control to do it. So between my running, weightlifting and strict diet, I lost the 10lbs just a little after a year. But these last 8 months have been a struggle big time. And honestly, its hard for me to watch all of our friends dropping weight fast and passing me up. (uggghh how pathetic do I sound). Anyway, I just want you to know that I hear ya girl, but we've GOT to figure this out. I'm here for you... xo, Rachel
karaoke Nadine
on 12/19/05 1:34 am - Wherever I Take My Shoes Off!, CA
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
Here Here I'mwith ya Peg. Nadine
karaoke Nadine
on 12/19/05 1:32 am - Wherever I Take My Shoes Off!, CA
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
I have been in a "holding pattern" for almost a year now. Which is kinda good for me cuz the plastic surgeon wants my weight stable before he does a panni. I was really considering some diet pills to kick start my weight. I recently started using the gym and was doing really well and being consistant about going but it got depressing when the scale wasnt moving. I am still going but not as frequently as before. I am on Christmas Vacation now and I promise to get back regularly. So ya think there are others out there? Wow what a struggle. I never thought that I would have to think about dieting again. Thanks for responding. Nadine
on 12/19/05 1:31 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: ** Monday Roll Call -- BRR!
Hi April buddies! Well, are you at home or at work? For many of us, we are home in our snug houses out of harm's way here in the Portland OR area. We have had snow and ice, and our town just isn't prepared for either. We become an ice rink with lots of streets and highways becoming parking lots. I'm so glad my DH and I are retired!! I "borrowed" a couple of Questions of the Day (QOD) from another board. Here they are! 1. For the women: Do you wear make-up? If so, when did you start wearing it? For the men: Do you have a beard and/or facial hair? If so, when did you start wearing it? 2. Do you drink bottled or tap water? 3. Back in the good ol' days, what did it cost for something you purchased? My Answers: 1. I have worn lipstick since I started the 7th grade. I wear it, eye make-up, and a little blush when needed. Oh, and my hair is now dark auburn! ( I am determined that I will probably be one of those little old ladies with no gray....don't know what color, but there will be color!) 2. I prefer bottled water, but the frugal side of me makes me fill up an empty bottled water container with my own tap water. 3. I'm a grandmother of 56, so everything cost less. I think the most amazing thing to look back on was the trip I took with my folks and my sister back to South Dakota in the summer of 1968. There was a gas war going gas...and my dad bought regular at 25 cents a gallon! Oh, the good old days! Actually, I am so glad to be living today in the modern era with up-to-date medical facilities and such. Just think. We would still be stuck in our old heavy bodies back then, and some of us, without modern day medical intervention, wouldn't even be here. Have a great day today, and stay warm! Peg
on 12/19/05 1:27 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
Well, for some people, maybe this board is enough. It is pretty wonderful. I know for me, I need the accountability of having to weigh once a week and be accountable for it. I think that works better for some people, but not for everyone. Anyway, I am just exploring options. I am not going to throw in the towel and just accept being at my current weight. I want to lose more. Peg
karaoke Nadine
on 12/19/05 1:20 am - Wherever I Take My Shoes Off!, CA
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
Wow we are neck and neck with the digits. I also need to lose 40 lbs. I am still wearing a size 14/16 but a lot of that has to do with my big ole panni. I saw the plastic surgeon already 2 months ago and he said that I qualify for a panni removal but if I can get 20 more lbs off, I would have much better results. I go back next month to see if I got the weight off but it doesnt look like its gonna happen. He said that he woud still do the panni. I'm hoping with the panni gone, I get down to a size 10. Thanks Laura for your reply. Nadine
on 12/19/05 1:16 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
Hi Nadine. Well, it looks like Laura and I were brave enough to reply to your message. There must be more than just the 3 of us working to get the rest of our weight off. I am determined to do it! I am kind of in a "Holding Pattern" right now. I think somehow that breaking the 200 mark will be the equivalent to breaking the sound barrier or something. I got down to 203, but now I'm at 205.5! I think I have been holding this weight for about 2 months. I had my second open RNY in August of this year, and am still recovering from it. I am eating more than I should, so I am going to look at portion control again. I also think about Weigh****chers. I am such an emotional eater. I need to get that under control somehow. Good luck, Nadine. You too Laura. Let's see if we can be an encouragement to each other. Peg
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