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on 12/22/05 8:30 am - York, PA
Topic: RE: Help!!
Rae, Yesterday I was feeling the exact same way you are. I have a sales rep who brings donuts to my office, I have asked him not too and told him that he knows I am dieting but for some reason he does not listen. Not but later that day I ate a few mini donuts with powder sugar and of course consumed my weakness...chocolate covered pretzels. I thought OMG I am going to die from sugar shock and gain weight. Then I thought more about what I ate later, I did pretty good, I had a bowl of fetticini alfredo with chicken (I do not put over pasta, I use Birds Eye vegitables instead....Excellent), I had one soft shelled taco for lunch, and a bowl of sugar free jello with fruit, and later that day I ate a small bowl of Chicken noodle soup, so these combined are not necessarily all bad choices. I do know that my pre mensus week, I might as well eat the kitchen sink. I too have been eating cookies, but they are made with Splenda or Equal for baking and sugar free peanut butter, so I do not feel that guilty. I know I have been gaining more of an appetite and exercising less, even though I have Christmas shopped until I dropped. I swear I am going to start working out more after the holidays, hopefully rid myself of the last 10 lbs. Hang in there, keep posting, we can all help each other get through this. Lori 258/138
on 12/22/05 4:06 am - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: Help!!
Hang in there, I've been eating way to much sugar as well. It is that time of year. Dianne
on 12/22/05 4:05 am - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: Can I get some advice...please???
Hi Janice, I think it's really hard to get over that obsession with the number. I look at myself and think I look to thin, especially when I'm shaving and my legs look like chicken legs, but, I still weigh all the time and I'm disappointed if it goes up, even though I think I looked great at 150, my face was fuller, less wrinkly, less skin, etc. It's weird. I'm eating more, trying to gain a few pounds, but mentally its a challenge with my inner self who wants to loose, loose, loose. I remember as a teenager having my jaw broke, weighing 120 and drinking diet soda through a straw. I've always been messed up about my weight. Hang in there. Dianne
on 12/22/05 4:00 am - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: ** Monday Roll Call -- BRR!
1. I only started wearing makeup every day since my surgery, I'm a girly girl now. I used to wear it on special occasions. I'm still not dramatic about it. 2. I drink tap water mostly, sometimes bottle with splenda. 3. I remember getting a Hershey bar for a dime. Sad that I remember chocolate. I must confess to buying Godiva Chocolate cordials a whole (small) box. I'm only eating one at a time. God they are good. I'm still loosing weight so that's not a concern but have to watch the dumping and low blood suger if I eat to much.
on 12/22/05 3:54 am - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: PS Pics Tummy Tuck
Wow, you look Awesome! Dianne
Rae Smiles
on 12/22/05 2:48 am - Mount Airy, MD
Topic: RE: Help!!
thanks for the idea's...I now have a "fat" picture of me to look at....I need to step away from the brownies... I have been doing better cookies, no sugar so far.... I think the next two weeks are going to be hard. RAE
on 12/21/05 1:04 pm - Cunningham, KY
Topic: RE: Help!!
Rae, Well I had my surgery the day after you, if I read correctly. Mine was on 4/20/04. I can't say anything to actually help you with the urges, but I can tell you that I know EXACTLY what you are going through. I've done the same!! You know that when you are eating that sugar cookie how bad you are gonna feel, or maybe you don't think of it at the time, but no matter what you still eat it. I think everybody goes through this at least once. Myself I've done this more times than I care to mention!! I AM ASHAMED!! But something that does help me...put up tons of old pics of yourself, on the fridge, on the microwave, stick some on the mirror in the bathroom, or bedroom ANYWHERE and maybe looking at the old you will help you to stay away from all the BAD THINGS out there. I even have a pic of me about an hour or two after surgery (it's posted on my profile) and believe me it is scary!! I keep it handy so I can look at it and try to remember all the things I had to go through to get where I am now. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. But I hope it can help you. Good luck and God Bless
Rae Smiles
on 12/21/05 11:09 am - Mount Airy, MD
Topic: Help!!
I feel like I know so many of you....I am nervous and need to write this so I can put it in perspective.... The last week I have been eating junk, every single I ate 3 sugar cookies and two chocolate covered marshmellow santa's....not all in one sitting...but I still ate it... Tonight I don't feel great...yeah, I wonder why... Anyway, I made myself walk up to the sixth floor today, three times through-out the day...everynight this week I have been on the elipical trainer... I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and I bet I have put on at least a pound...and I know, it is only a pound, but I don't want one pound to lead to two pounds, and on it goes.... I have NEVER yet gained any weight since WLS...I was up several pounds after my TT, but that didn't bother me as I knew it was fluid... Anyone having problems controlling their eating? I have done so well but I am not having a good wee****ep reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day and I can decide how I want to spend my day...eating junk and feeling guilty OR eating healthy and wearing my size 6's!!! Anyone else having uncontrollable urges to eat "holiday junk"? RAE
Donna R
on 12/20/05 3:23 am - Paducah, KY
Topic: RE: how do we get all this fluid off
Well my doctor had no magical cure, just to get pleanty of fluids. heck i am going to float away with all this water I am drinking but the water will also help with constipation from the iron pills and the pain pills. I have lost maybe 6 pounds since I got home on Friday so I know it is coming off and my ankles dont look quite as big now. its cold here and I am bundled up anyways, so now one but me will see my ankles Donna R 277/156
karaoke Nadine
on 12/20/05 1:42 am - Wherever I Take My Shoes Off!, CA
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
Awww thanks Laura.....I'm goin next month and I'll keep ya'll updated on how it goes. Nadine
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