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(deactivated member)
on 12/29/05 1:44 am - Lost in Woods, PA
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
Hey Peg, there are many more of us out here. I have lost 85lbs. since my surgery. I stopped in my 7th month and have been struggeling with 5 pounds since then. My doctor attributes it to many other health issues i've been battling for years (PCOS, Idiopathic Edema, etc.). Anyway, I find that i can eat more on some days than others but i still keep a close eye on my calorie intake and carbs. I think we have a wonderful support group here - it's been great for me...i'm not one of those who likes to go in front of others (face-to-face). One thing i have found that helps with the eating is to eat the one food that i know will stay with me forever....CHICKEN (my nemesis). I don't know what it it about it but when i eat chicken for lunch (as i am now [1 normal size breast])...i wont be hungry for the rest of the day and i have to force myself to eat a small meal or drink a protien shake by the end of the day to come up with the remainder of my calories. Let's all keep encouraging each other....maybe a posting of the daily intake would be roll call.... Open RNY 4/19/2004 "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." Henry David Thoreau
on 12/28/05 10:22 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Topic: Good Christmas News!!
Hi ladies, I haven't posted in a while because I've been more busy on another board - Post-Op Pregnancy. I just wanted to post our birth announcement - James "Jamie" Allyn Barr was born on December 19th at 6:28p.m. He was a perfect 7lbs 12oz and 20.5" long. I had an unmedicated VBAC, but only because I progressed so quickly that they didn't have time to get me the epidural! LOL There are alot of horror stories circulating out there about having a baby post-RNY but I have to say that this was my easiest pregnancy yet and Jamie appears to be my most healthy and easiest baby so far. I gained 30lbs over the 9 months, about 10 of those in the last 6-8 weeks. My dr's were very supportive of my pregnancy and felt that everything was right on track. I've lost about 14lbs so far and I feel that once I get the breastfeeding all settled in that I should be able to get at least to my pre-pregnancy weight pretty quickly. I just wanted to share my good news and let you all know that I will be lurking around more than I have recently. Happy New Years to everyone! Aylene lap RNY 4/13/04 Mom to Simon, Matthew and Jamie born 12/19/05
on 12/28/05 12:18 pm - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: Potential Period Problems...say that 3x fast
My periods last 2 - 3 days, very light, I use a lightdays pad. I have cramping too. I'm down to 129 at 5'6". I've lost 211 pounds. No chance I'm pregnant, haven't had sex in months. That's another story....... Dianne
on 12/28/05 12:15 pm - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: **Tuesday Roll Call**
Hello, It is rainy here - I'm in St. Louis still I would change my hanging skin I have changed so much, my job, my depression, my energy, where I live, my whole life, coming back to St. Louis has made me realize, my whole life has changed 100% for the better. I'm a totally different person. I wouldn't trade anything. I went to my surgeon Tuesday. He says he thinks I may have Celiac Disease. Which may be why I'm still loosing weight. I can see if I keep loosing and have a biopsy of my small intestine or try going on a glutine free diet. Yuk. One more thing to give up. On an up note, I'm allowed one diet soda a day. Yah.
on 12/28/05 8:02 am - York, PA
Topic: Potential Period Problems...say that 3x fast
Good evening everyone. I have a question for you all. As of today, I am still maintaining the 120 lbs weight loss, no gains and no more loss since about September. I am not complaining, even thought I was a little bad this holiday season, I still managed to eat my healthy meals. Here is my question. In January and February, I did not get any periods, they were non exisitant. Orginally my doctor told me that I would have to get to about 120 lbs to stop getting periods due to weight loss but when I did not get them in January and February and after a pregnancy test she changed her mind. For the past three months, I have had little to non existant periods, where it seems that my periods are only about two days long if that. I am not complaining but I want to know if this is happening to any of you. Also I am experiencing the menstral cycle symptoms of like cramps, breast tenderness, anxiety, etc. I am just not bleeding as much as I did before. I am 5'8, weigh about 138. I totally lost 120 lbs. Any comments are appreciated. Lori
on 12/27/05 1:00 pm - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: **Tuesday Roll Call**
Hi Janie. Good answers! You do deserve the best! Peg
on 12/27/05 8:44 am - Independence, IA
Topic: RE: **Tuesday Roll Call**
Peg, Great questions.. 1. It's about 38 and foggy and overcast. I would give anything for the sun to shine. It's supposed to be like this all week too... Real bummer. 2. Physically, I would like to have less hanging skin. Although it's not bad I think I would feel so awesome if my body actually matched my weight (140 and size 8). Mentally, patience is also a real downfall of mine and seems to get worse the older I get. ha ha 3. I love being able to wear any clothes I choose and know that I look good in them. (Nothing conceited about me is there - ha ha).. I also realize that I deserve to be happy, whether it be with everyday life, the man in my life or whatever. I deserve it!! Have a great day & pray for sun!!! Janie
on 12/27/05 2:14 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: **Tuesday Roll Call**
Good morning April 2004ers. I slept in this morning until 9 o'clock! Oh, the life of a retiree! I really am grateful to be retired. I am still struggling with very painful shoulders. I see my internist this afternoon, and I am going to ask him to refer me to an orthopedist. My physical therapist thinks I would be a good candidate for cortisone shots in my shoulders. We'll see. The good news is that I am healing really well from my radical stomach surgery the middle of August. Praise the Lord! I won't need to go in for more tests until next Spring. Then they will do a CAT scan and an endoscopy just to make sure that the cancer is gone. It has been 20 months today since my first surgery to remove most of my stomach because of stomach cancer, and it has been 4 1/2 months since my second surgery. Whew! Well, I don't see that anyone else has posted the questions of the day, so I think I will. 1. What is the weather doing in your part of the country? 2. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? 3. Name one way your life has changed since your surgery? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My Answers: 1. It is rainy off and on here in the Portland Oregon area. It is 50 degrees and overcast. More rain is expected. 2. Patience! I would have more patience, not only with others but with myself. 3. I can go walking without my back hurting, plus I can now cross my legs! I hope you all have a good day. Peg
karaoke Nadine
on 12/26/05 11:03 am - Wherever I Take My Shoes Off!, CA
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
Terrie.....Yikes now you're really got me askerred so far after the 8-10 lbs that I have put back on it has stopped. I think its normal to go up a few pounds but as long as it stops. I am not gaining anymore and have maintained my current weight for a while now. I struggle just to get a few lbs off and it is rough. I weigh myself only once a week. I don't even own a scale. I weigh at work in the school nurses office. Bummer that school is out for 3 weeks and I wont be able to weigh til Jan 9th but I'm ok with it. That will really show if I have gained weight over the holidays. I try to get to the gym but during these holidays I've been so busy. My doc says "no snacking" between meals and eat only 3 times a day. That he says is the key along with exercising at least 4 times a week. I struggle with my water intake and I know that drinking water supresses the appetite some so I need to kick start the water. Anyhoo these are some of the things that we are supposed to be doing to be successful. I hope to get a handle on things. Take Care Nadine p.s. I see that you are from you ever come to any of the CA events?
on 12/26/05 10:53 am - Toney, AL
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
I to am having a panic attack ( kinda) over my weight. I was down to 137 and am now up to 146. I am so scared I am going to be 153 by summer. And the stupid thing is is that I still eat like I think I can. And its just. Granted I cant eat sugar but bread and stuff and I eat when I am not even hungry. Just like the old days I just cant get past it. I am so scared. I truly dont know what to do. I am scared and because Im scared I eat. The same out thing that got me 253 to begin with. God help me. I even got a new bathroom scale for christmas because I wore the old one out. And it says I weigh more. Any work of encouragement would be appreciated. Terrie
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