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Donna R
on 12/31/05 2:53 am - Paducah, KY
Topic: back to the hospital -long
hi everyone, well I posted earlier about swelling. I went to the doctor on Thursday and showed him how swollen my feet were, expecially my left. I told him I keep my legs elevated all night long and that I could not get the swelling to go down. he did not like that so he sent me over to the hospital for a ultra sound of my left leg. When it was over, instead of the technition saying OK, your doctor will let you know the results. she said the Doctor wanted me back at his office. After waiting almost 2 hours. he was really really busy, he told me I had a superficial blood clot!!! I needed to be admitted to the hospital and put on blood thinners!! He said I could go over to the hospital and wait a few hours until he was done with a surgery but I said I would go home first and pack my overnight bag and feed my poor 16 year old daughter who was bored out of her scull, we had been in town for 7 hours already I get to the hospital around 6:30 and was sent to the ER to check in, since it was late. I got upstairs and unpacked and laid in bed with my legs propped up and waited for my surgeon........ WELL, the surgery he was doing lasted over 6 hours, he said one thing after another kept popping up with the patient. SO at 1:30 am, the surgeon comes in and explains how they will treat me. I had to take coumidin and also get blood thinner as a shot. the only good point was I had a private room and could kind of relax. my foot was still pretty swollen but there was no pain, the only pain i had was left over from my TT and hernia repair on the 13, and the 14th. the surgeon hasd to cut off a small piece of my sternum because it was sticking almost straigh out. so with the binder on so tight and it hitting my ribs, i was hurting. but lortab helped a lot then last night about 7:30 my surgeon comes in and looks at my foot and leg, he said it looked so much better and asked if i wanted to go home! I said OH YEAH and he went to get the discharge paperwork started, I called hubby who was waiting just a few miles away for our daughter to get off of work to come get me..... The doctor gave me some prescriptions, one was coumidin and the other is lovenox, this is an injection I have to give myself twice a day. I did the first shot this moring and it was not too bad. I go see the doctor on Tuesday, he will have me get blood work to see how the blood thinners are doing and he will look at my hernia incession, But at least I am home and feeling just fine and dandy. I was told to take it really easy, because with blood thinners you can have a minor cut or fall and bleed too much. I will write again on Tuesday to let you all know how I am doing. Donna 277/15?
on 12/30/05 9:58 pm - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: Menu Call for Slow Loosers
Just a thought, but I would eat a whole boneless, skinless chicken breast instead of the two wings, probably the same calories and a lot more protien, less fat. More bang for your buck so to speak. Good luck. Dianne
on 12/30/05 3:25 pm - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Menu Call for Slow Loosers
Hi Web Diva. Good for you for posting! I know it takes a lot of guts to do this, and I guess I just don't have it...yet! I just went online and joined the Discovery Channel National Body Challenge 2006. I hope it will get me motivated to keep going. I have lost a total of 72 lbs since my first surgery...80 lbs from my highest. I HOPE I am still losing weight from my second surgery August 12th of this year. It is very slow, and I am getting into things I shouldn't...thus not losing as quickly as I could. Do keep posting, and I hope others will too. Good luck, and Happy New Year! Peg
on 12/30/05 7:10 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Good Christmas News!!
Hi Aylene. This is wonderful news! Congratulations! It's really good to hear that things went so well for you. Just the way they should. You have a Happy New Years too. I know it's going to be a busy one for you! Peg
Just Janice
on 12/30/05 4:22 am - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: Good Christmas News!!
Congrats to you and your family!!!!! Janice
Just Janice
on 12/30/05 4:21 am - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: Potential Period Problems...say that 3x fast
Ugh! Let's nt even GO THERE! LOL Since I was about 3 months post-op, I have had horrific periods..we are talking (not to be graphic, just informative) going thru a SUper, heavy duty, soak up the Pacific Ocean and have room left for Lake Michigan, sized tamons in an hour...overflowing...ugh...Cramps have been ok, but the first 2 days are sooo icky with all of the fluid making a mass exodus. My GYN put me on Nuva-Ring, and that helped for a while, but only a little while. I don't want to go to stronger hormones, bc of the threat of weight gain, so I endure. One option presented to me is to have an abalation, where, I believe, they cauterize the inside of your uterus, making periods lighter, if not non-existant. Thinking BIG TIME about it. I am sorry you are having all of these issues, I guess it comes with the WLS territory, but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Being "normal" is so different for all of us, as this issue clearly shows. Janice 350+ at highest in 1/04/346 consult/310 DOS/142 today/150 goal
(deactivated member)
on 12/30/05 1:50 am - Lost in Woods, PA
Topic: Menu Call for Slow Loosers
Ok, I saw on here the other day where there was discussion about us SLOW / NO loosers. I'm in the bunch at having only lost 85 lbs. So, i'm gonna try and start a menu call and see if anyone responds. Maybe we can see what others are doing or learn what we might be doing wrong and support each here goes... Breakfast Protien Shake: 16oz water, 1.5 tbs cocoa powder (sugarless - 30 cals), 1/2 scoop protien powder (60 cals), 3 tbls splenda (-0-), 1/4 banana (25 cals), 1.5 tbls peanut butter (135 cals). Cals: 250 Lunch 2 chicken wings (kfc) (340 cals) 1 tbls. potato with cheddar and bacon (40 cals) Cals: 380 Snack green salad with cheddar and chicken strip (non breaded) with 1 tbls blue cheese (230 cals) Dinner Undecided at this point but need to stay under 700 cals for dinner and snack. END OF DAY: 120 ounces of light lemonade/water/crystal light for the day. So that's it. Most likely i'll have a 1/2 of pumpernickle with 2 oz. cheese and 1 oz. lean ham grilled for dinner. which is about 350/400 cals and try to stay away from the snack. I've had chicken for lunch so i wont be that hungry later on and might just go for another protien shake but beef it up with carb countdown to add some cals and protien. I hope others will post and maybe we can help each other. Open RNY 4/19/2004 "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." Bill Cosby
on 12/29/05 9:43 pm - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: Good Christmas News!!
Congratulations! Dianne
on 12/29/05 4:48 am - Greensboro, NC
Topic: RE: Potential Period Problems...say that 3x fast
no help here - mine are still right on the money. they have eased off a little but not much - 2-3 days and i am good. still the same salt and sugar cravings! Toni 285/136/132
(deactivated member)
on 12/29/05 2:10 am - Lost in Woods, PA
Topic: RE: Help!!
Hey RAE - sorry you're having problems but please back away from the junk. We are surgery buddies, if you remember, we were in rooms right next to each other. I haven't lost as much weight as've done fantastic.... I have at this point only tried a cookie once since surgery, it made me sick and i wont do it again....I'm one of the fortunate ones that sugar really makes me ill but then again, i have never really eaten that much as i am diabetic so it's much easier for me. Please, relax, breathe and back away from the junk. It is typical around the holidays to loose control - there is just so much out there. What you have to do now is take back control. Remember why you stopped eating that stuff....get back to the protien and please don't feel guilty - that is the worst thing you can sets you up to continue to fall. Remember why you went through all of this - the wls and the ps. Also remember the holidays are almost over and the junk will be gone - you would need to seek it out at that point. If there is a certain area where the cookies and candy are - go the other direction or at least like you said, go up and down the stairs to feel better. Please, just hang in there - we are all here for you. Open RNY 4/19/2004 "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." Buddha
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