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on 3/24/06 11:29 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: Hi from Peg
Hi everybody. I just read a couple of your posts, and I thought I'd take a moment to pop by and say hi. It's been over a month since I updated my profile. That must mean that I am feeling better and am spending more time away from the computer. My shoulders and arms are getting better, and I am much more comfortable sleeping in bed. In fact, my DH and I have shared the same bed 5 nights in a row! That's a first since I had my second surgery last August 12th. I think I have turned the corner in my recovery from stomach cancer. I noticed a few of you had written that you are experiencing some malabsorption problems. I go see my pcp on Monday for a check-up. He is also going to take some labs to see how I'm doing. I've been taking calcium, B-12, iron, and my other vitamins, so we'll see if they are doing the trick. I'm also going to ask him if I can go back to Curves again. I have had to be very careful with my arms and shoulders, so my exercise of choice has been walking. We'll see if he lets me try to modify the Curves routine. I am coming up on my 2-year anniversary on April 27th since my first surgery. I am scheduled to see my gastroenterologist on April 10th or 11th, and then I have an upper endoscopy on the 17th. I also need to have a CT scan sometime this spring. I am praying that all my tests come out all right. If so, I can relax for awhile. Life is good. I am so glad that I can spend it with my family. I wish you all well in your continued journey. Do keep posting from time to time. I like knowing what you're all doing. Peg
on 3/24/06 10:49 am - Beaverton, OR
Topic: RE: Two Years -- Just Around the Corner
Hi Rachel. You are my surgery least the first surgery! I am still in the process of losing weight. I am down 80 and still want to lose another 30. At this point, I am glad to be feeling better. I wish you good success in keeping off your weight. Sounds like you have a plan to do that. All my best to you and your family. Peg
on 3/24/06 7:02 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Topic: RE: Wow, no posts
I have not checked in here for ages but with it being almost 2 yr I popped in. Everyone looks marvelous! I had a hard time remembering any of you except I recognized the names. Congrats to all! I am doing great. This was the best decision of my life. Turning 50 in April and feeling younger all the time. Laurie
on 3/22/06 10:12 am - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Topic: RE: Two Years -- Just Around the Corner
RAE, Sorry to hear about your mom. It is such a gift that you can stay true to yourself in this trying time. And I hear your words and I take them to heart. You are doing all the things that I strive to do on a daily basis. Not sure what's getting the best of me right now and I think that's what bugs me more than the actual behavior itself. But thank you for the rienforcement! In good health, Rachel
on 3/22/06 4:03 am - Taylors, SC
Topic: RE: Still Obese...Fear of Failing
Was reading your post, I had rny feb 2004 lost 115, gained about 25 lbs, quit exercising and then had hysterectomy, now I am trying to lose that and hopefully get to goal. Any suggestions????? I read where you wre starting out new again to. I am trying to fiqure out what is the best for me to do. Hope all is going well for you. If you have time please email me Thanks Linda
Donna Paige
on 3/21/06 8:15 am - Pottstown, PA
Topic: RE: Wow, no posts
Hi Dianne, I kinda found out that I'm not really absorbing either. I've had to go to the b-12 shots and have a major iron defiency. Having iron infusions. I've had to double up on my calcium as I am leeching calcium from my bones and on top of all this crap I've developed a 1 1/4" ulcer in the beginning of my small intestines. I'm still losing weight. I haven't though reached my goal of 125lbs. I still have 10lbs to go. I weight 135lbs. I'm much shorter than you. LOL Only 5'2". I'm hoping everything gets better. I had no clue I'd have to go through as much as I have lately. I rarely have a day without pain. But on the positive side I'm thrilled with my weightloss and my plastics. Getting ready to have the thighs done. Hope everything works itself out for you. Take Care! Donna Paige
Rae Smiles
on 3/20/06 8:09 pm - Mount Airy, MD
Topic: RE: Two Years -- Just Around the Corner
I find that my regular eating schedule is SO different than what it used to be AND what I was raised to be... meaning...I eat small meals every few least every 3 hours...if I don't have a problem with falling blood sugar...and low blood sugar makes you feel cranky, crabby, shaky and you can't,, I eat every few hours and I MAKE time...many times I feel like I do nothing but eat, but I am not gaining, just maintaining...which is good as I am at goal and feel good.... Sometimes I do have to remind myself that I do not have to eat the entire sandwich, no matter how good it is, because I will get to enjoy the rest in just a few short hours...yes, sometimes I do eat the whole thing, but I try VERY hard not to set myself putting half away before I ever start eating...oh the games I play with my mind... Anyway, maintaining is a hard animal for me...seems I have spent most of my adult life either losing or gaining...maintaining was an elusive entity. I find that now I am back to "normal"...wls is done, plastic work is I need to start concentrating on my career and other things that took a back seat to my comes the time when I MUST learn how to balance my eating, health, family AND career...but I WILL do it for me!! Recently I have been going through tough times with my mom...she has semi-advance dementia...she knows the family but she is so confused and very nasty...I know this stage will pass...we are in the process of getting guardianship and getting her out of her independent living apartment....dementia and a private apartment is NOT a good mix...I find myself strolling to the kitchen more and recognized it the other night....I fixed a protein drink and made myself enjoy it and then went to bed....I was very proud of myself that I saw the behavior and did something about it....I will BE stronger than my works for ME, not the other way around....I keep telling myself that every day!!!! Best to all....together we can get learn and grow... RAE
Just Janice
on 3/19/06 11:39 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: Wow, no posts
Hi Dianne!!! I have been checking, but haven't erally had anything to say...UNTIL NOW...Just found out that my TT has been approved!!!!! Hopefully, I will be FLAT by the middle of April. UHC denied having the girls done, as they said it was "cosmetic"..pffft...let them step on a nipple and tell me it is justs cosmetic...I just wish that the ins cos would realize how psychologically disturbing it is to see your body look like a melted candle..siigh... I am not going to complain anymore, tho, for fear of sounding like a spoiled child. I am truly grateful for what they WILL cover! As for the other stuff, where there is a will, there is a way...hopefully...
on 3/19/06 8:59 pm - Greensboro, NC
Topic: RE: Two Years -- Just Around the Corner
Rachel - I too feel like I want to eat all the time - Every two hours - I am not sure if it is head hunger or real hunger - I have decieded this week that I am going to try and only eat when my stomach Growls. I have not gained any, nor do I want to loose, I am just afraid that I will gain, if I keep eating and eating. That wasn't much help in the inspiration department other than I understand your frustration! Keep you focus and keep up the good work. Toni
on 3/19/06 11:40 am - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: Two Years -- Just Around the Corner
Fortunatly I'm still trying to maintain my weight. I still struggle with diarehea once a month (wasting syndrome) and have to take antibiotics to maintain keep from loosing. I have to eat every couple of hours to maintain at 130. I seems as hard to keep my weight up as it did to keep it off. It will be a serious concern if I loose 10 more pounds according to the dr. then we will have to test for celiac disease which i don't want. Hang in there Dianne
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