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(deactivated member)
on 4/1/05 8:00 pm - South of Boston, MA
Topic: Saturday - Food Journals - More unbirthdays?
First off, happy unbirthday to anyone that has one today! Food today? ____________________________________________________________ I'm thinking I'm kinda maintaining this weight... eating well and not losing any weight- and it was a real ***** GETTING to this number... I see the docs on Tuesday- perhaps they'll give me a little insight on the skinnage- maybe it's what's left of what I can actually lose?! Pre-breakfast Coffee/diet cocoa mix/carb countdown skim Next up Melting Mama * Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. ~Arnold H. Glasow
on 4/1/05 4:44 pm - Twin Cities, MN
Topic: RE: *End of MARCH* How'd ya do? Successes & NSV's
*Weight change this month? - ____7____ lbs *Body measurement changes? Didn't measure *Any non-scale victories? (like a new clothing size, something you're really proud of...etc...) Got into grad school! *Are you still losing weight/at goal/maintaining? Apparently still losing *How many pounds to goal? 4 lower than "Easy goal" 6 higher than "OMG hard to achieve goal" ~Lara
on 4/1/05 1:52 pm - Twin Cities, MN
Topic: RE: Looking for Apr 26er's ??????????????????????????????????????????
Century club for a bandster in one year! WOW you're a ROCK STAR!!! That's just awesome lady, CONGRATS, ~Lara
on 4/1/05 10:58 am - Twin Cities, MN
Topic: RE: lieing about losing more weight!!!!!!
I've been getting this for the past 20 lbs or so. I never quite know what to say to them. . . It is definately how you know you're getting close to goal. It's your journey - lose all you wish to (within healthy reason of course). Hugs, ~Lara
on 4/1/05 10:04 am - Twin Cities, MN
Topic: RE: One Year for Me, Too!
CONGRATULATIONS Jaime, You're story is incredibly inspiring and wonderful to read. Happy shared birthday, ~Lara
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/05 9:13 am - South of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: One Year for Me, Too!
Beautiful. Melting Mama *                       Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.  ~Patton                                            
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/05 9:10 am - South of Boston, MA
Topic: RE: lieing about losing more weight!!!!!!
Mechelle! Okay- it's gotta be the size. I hear it ALL the time. We're very close in weight- I'm 5'5' - 144 lbs - so we probably look somewhat similar at this point. Generally - it's other overweight folks that say this kind of stuff to me. Probably because I am so dramatically different now and they're just used to me being just like them, you know? "You can't possibly need to lose anymore weight." "Where?" Do I need to SHOW you where?! As for lying about it - I don't know if I'd bother! Use the doctor as your scapegoat "My doctor told me to get to ______ lbs - it's what I am supposed to be for my height." Point blank. Melting Mama *                            Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.  ~Patton                                            
on 4/1/05 7:57 am - WY
Topic: RE: My Surgiversary! I'm a toddler today!
Lara, nicely put... You have done outstanding and I am so very proud of you, thank you to you for sharing your journey with all of us. Mechelle 283/157/140
on 4/1/05 7:52 am - WY
Topic: lieing about losing more weight!!!!!!
Who would have thought, not me in a million years. Here's the deal, I have had about 5 co-workers (all semi-=overweight, 1 healthy) tell me I do not need to lose any more weight, huh Who are they kidding!!! I'm 5'6" weigh 156 pounds and I wear a size 15 pants, some 13/14. There is no way I am stopping now, I'm going to 140 (dream would be 130). I am still overweight!!!! Why go through this surgery to only go partway??? Sure I will listen to my surgeon and abide by what he tells me, I have no doubt that he will tell me I can go to 140. In the mean time it is none of their business, I know, and hopefully I will keep losing but who would have ever thought that I would ever consider lieing about losing more weight. I just wanted to vent, thank you. Mechelle 283/157/140 (maybe I'll just spite them and go to 130)
on 4/1/05 7:43 am - WY
Topic: RE: One Year for Me, Too!
Hi Jaime eloquently put, beautiful post. Congratulations on your success and here is to your continued success and future. Mechelle 283/157/140
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