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Just Janice
on 4/26/05 8:26 am - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: Tuesday - Food journals - demons!
WHOOO! Welcome back, Beth!!! I have been soooo good, I am about to keel over! I FINALLY broke 160, and am at 158 as of this am...thank goodness! I have been drinking a buttload of peppermint tea...a suggestion from one board, but I cannot remember which one....yikes! breakfast turkey ham, strawberries lunch turkey and cheese roll up cottage cheese pineapple ring dinner skillet chicken cordon bleu..yum! snack, if any...mozz stick, turkey jerky also had iced coffee with 1 scoop isopure zero carb vanilla...which reminds me, I need to get more...almost out!!! Well, I hope everyone is having a better day! SMOOCHES! Janice 346/310/158/145-150ish
Donna Paige
on 4/26/05 7:04 am - Pottstown, PA
Topic: RE: Very Merry Unbirthday ... TO ME!
Way to go Sue! I'm sooo proud of all of your accomplishments. I am thrilled myself with my year too. But with a sad note I've put on 5lbs from somewhere. Been struggling with the last 10lbs for 2 months now but it's all good. I have lost to date 161lbs (was 166 but I gained back 5) I weight in at 179lbs today (was 174) I have gone from a size 34W to mostly 14's with some 16's. Tops are some small's mostly medium unless it is a blouse. I have 34DDD breast that nothing fits around anymore. Wishing for a reduction and a lift. I went from a BMI of 62 being super super morbidly obese to 31.8 My arm flab is actually pretty good suprisingly. My thighs look like a sharpai puppy (forgive me for the spelling) My rear end hurts all the time from the pinching of the loose skin YIKES! And I echo you on the happy healthy stuff. I have been toning though as of late. I'm wondering if thats where the weight gain is coming from. I actually fit in to the 14's with ease these days even though I gained weight. Wish I could tone the gobble neck that I now have. Can't afford a lyposuction so I guess I'll just have to gobble along. It goes well with my web fingers. The web fingers in case you didn't read that post eons ago was from the weightloss. My fingers went from a ring size 6 1/2 to a size 4. My husband happily pointed out that I now have duck fingers with webbing between them. Well I guess it could be worse I could develop feathers. LOL LOL I tell everyone that I have now turned into a flying squirrel with all the webbing that I now have. This year has been wonderful. Best Wishes on your success! Donna Paige
Sue B
on 4/26/05 6:26 am - WI
Topic: Very Merry Unbirthday ... TO ME!
I just wanted to celebrate my milestone .... tomorrow (the 27th) is the 1 year anniversary of my surgery To Date: I have lost 151.5 pounds in the past year I went from a BMI of 56.3 to a BMI of 28.7 I went from a 30/32 pant to a 14/16 I went from a 3x top to a M/L I went from being Super Morbidly Obese to being Overweight I went from being unhappy & unhealthy to happy & healthy! I am Confident, Proud, Happy, Healthy, Overjoyed! Thank you for your support, your confidence in me, your concern, your love .... This has been the hardest, scariest MOST rewarding thing I have ever done for myself ... and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! visit my weight loss photo journal at if you want to see the reconstructive pictures the password is : Transformation Sue 318.5/167/passed my goal!
on 4/26/05 3:43 am - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Topic: RE: Tuesday - Food journals - demons!
Sorry you don't feel good...but I must look mavalous dawling! Its not how you feel...its how you look. Sorry...I'm channeling ...what's his name today. I have been doing great...until yesterday...I ate and ate an ate. I finally got down to 147 last week. Now I can taste my goal of 145...and so I guess I freaked out. Its like I'm scared to get to goal or something... Feeling a lot more in control today. Hope you start filling better! So far...herb tea/protien bar Starting on water Rachel
on 4/26/05 3:40 am - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Topic: RE: How Are You Celebrating Your 1 Year Post-op?
I'm hanging out with some of my new WLS girlfriends. One of them is having gift party. My husband can't wait to see what I bring home No way I would have done that a year ago! Happy birthday and 1 year Wls anniv to you!!! Rachel
on 4/26/05 3:35 am - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Topic: RE: Protein Bars?
Hi! I eat them most days for bfast. I eat the pria carb selects. They are the perfect size...most are way to filling. Its not easy to find low sugar/fat bars. I love Avid's delve bars. you can get them on line at they are sweet...almost like a rice crispy square. Just a side note on the power crunch cookies...they turned into a 'trigger food' for me. I just kept eating wayyyyy too many. so I don't eat them anymore, but most of my WLS love them. Rachel
on 4/26/05 3:31 am - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Topic: RE: One year ago today!!! It's all good!! beat me by one day! Great job this year! Best wishes on the rest of this journey! Rachel
on 4/26/05 3:29 am - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Topic: RE: 1yr pics Happy Rebirth to ME !!!!!!!!!!!!
WooooHooooo! You look amazing! Wow! Thanks for sharing...inspirational! Rachel
Josie C.
on 4/26/05 1:54 am - High Desert, CA
Topic: RE: Tuesday - Food journals - demons!
Everyone is having a tough included, but pushing through it: Pre-B = 4oz Carb Control Yogurt B = JC Breakfast Stuffed Sandwich L = JC Pizza D = Garden Vegetable Soup Somewhere in there I am supposed to get Carrot Cake in, but I found out last night it makes me not doing that...I also have another 4 oz of yogurt to get in too...last night, 9:00pm, I found myself still trying to eat the food from the days menu...I finally gave up because I knew I couldn't get it all in. 343/???/180-for PS
on 4/26/05 1:07 am - Brighton, MI
Topic: RE: Protein Bars?
I live on Atkins Morning start choc. chip bars... they have 13 grams of protein, and I eat at least two a day. I would not be where I am not without them. I love them Tracey
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