Lent and Howdie

on 3/1/06 1:26 am - Twin Cities, MN
So, Sugar-free junkie that I am now, I've decided to give up "Fake Sugar" for Lent. Wish me luck? I'm still lurking around from time to time. Life still going along as it does. I'm still at goal, but not getting to exercise as often makes me less than happy about the way my body looks. I miss my muscles. I'm back to working out about 3 times a week, but its not the same kind of gratification that the running was. I don't feel as buff as I used to. The back is hurting less and less, but can still cause pain on days when I've overdone it (like last night). Welcome to all those new folks that I've missed. Hi there to all the ladies who know me from way back. I can't believe we're almost to 2 years now. For those who don't know me - I took down my profile because of odd "Fan mail" that scared the beejeesus out of me but I'm a April 1st 2004 girl, who lost from 400+ (best guess 425) to 190. Sometimes I'm lower, but generally I don't feel healthy below 190 - I'm 6'3" tall. Anyway, Hi, ~Lara
Donna Paige
on 3/1/06 8:21 pm - Pottstown, PA
Hi Lurking Lara! LOL I'm glad to hear that you are doing ok. Good luck on giving up the sugar. I can't seem to give up the chocolate or sugar. Can't eat meat but I can eat the heck out of a hershey bar. Anyway hope your back feels better soon! Take Care! Donna
on 3/29/06 3:11 am - Twin Cities, MN
Hi there Donna, My back is getting there, every day a little better. Its true its true - the real reason they tell us to avoid carbs and sugar is because they go down SO MUCH EASIER than protein! Hugs and nice to see you. Thanks for the well wishes - its going really well so far. ~Lara
on 3/1/06 8:59 pm - Greensboro, NC
Lara, so glad for the update. I am so glad for my new life as well and what a difference two years makes! I am still struggling with wanting sweets daily. Cookies and cake are my weakness - dang it! Good luck with your sugar free sacrafice. Toni 285/129/132 Open DS - 20 April 2004 torsoplasty - 9 January 2006 Happy at weight - it floats from 129 to 133 - Loving it.
on 3/2/06 9:51 pm - Louisville, KY
Lara, It's great to hear from you. I've been sick again. Every so often I get a terrible bout of diarrhea. They think it from bacteria building up in the extra small intestines. Anyway.....I'm on some antibiotics and better now. Dianne 340/129
on 3/29/06 3:36 am - Twin Cities, MN
I'm hoping you stay better sweetheart! *healing vibes being sent your way* ~Lara
on 3/29/06 3:27 am - Twin Cities, MN
Goodness Toni! You did GREAT! Congrats on all your success. Sweets. . . .you know, once you stop eating them, even the sugar free ones - you don't crave them as much. *hugs and support* ~Lara
on 3/29/06 10:25 pm - Greensboro, NC
Thanks Lara - I feel good - I just dont want to blow it - know what I mean!! Love this life I need to put my foot down and say know. I have replaced some of the cravings with dried plums and dried apricots - (the soft kind) lets see how that goes. Toni
on 3/19/06 6:22 am - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Hi friend, I didn't realize you were getting 'odd fanmail'. Hope all else is well Thanks for the update, Rachel
on 3/29/06 2:56 am - Twin Cities, MN
I had put lots of photos and detailed posts. . . .it got a little too close for comfort. And people started requesting updates, who I NEVER met. Freaked me out. Good luck on the running. I'm jealous as all hell that you'll get to eat so much more I miss my runner's diet. But, I'm doing just fine cutting back. . .it's just NO WHERE NEAR as fun back on the low carb gig. *hugs for my friend* ~Lara
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