went to church just 4 days later!!!
I was actually feeling pretty darn good this morning, My 16 year old daughter has been wanting to drive to church and just has her permit so this morning, just 4 days after the second part of my surgery she asked me if we were going to church, well I had just taken my LORTAB and felt fine. so we went the 4 miles to our little church
people were happy but suprised to see me so soon, but I told them I needed to move around because just sitting there made me hurt,
Lortab and church DO NO MIX... I fell asleep! LOL, my daughter was sitting next to me and grabbed my hand and asked if I was ok, I said sure, just fell asleep. SO when everyone stood up a few minutes later to sing, we snuck out of church...
Oh well, I did try.
Donna R
Hi Donna. That's such a cute story about falling asleep in church. It's great that you felt like going even if you didn't make it through the whole service. I did that after my first surgery....not the falling asleep, but the leaving early. I'm sure everyone was just tickled to see you there at all. Way to go on your TT. I'm sure you will look like a million bucks after all the swelling subsides.