Checking in
Hi April board,
Just checking in to let you know how I'm doing. I trained for and ran successfully the Twin Cities 10 mile race the first weekend of October. Following the run, my back turned on me. What I thought was a garden variety spasm turned to my horror into 3 ruptured discs - one of which causing SEVERE pain and limiting my ability to even walk. I ended up having urgent spinal surgery to alleviate the inflamation on my nerve and hopefully regain use of my leg. I'm happy to say that it was a success. I'm still dealing with pain on a daily basis, but I can feel my leg with only a minor residual numbness. I've just started back to work after about 8 weeks off. I'm on half-time for now.
School is on hold - I'm not cleared to lift even 5 lbs (text books are therefore on the list). It is going to be a long road of physical therapy and working to regain my stregnth. My therapist says that if I work hard I could be running again in just under 6 months. I'm taking time to heal - not sure exactly when I am not wanting to work FT and go to school FT ever again. Current plan is to postpone for a couple 3 years and go back when my Fiancee is done with her degree. (she wants to support me!).
Through all this - I'm striving to keep a positive attitude. It was very difficult to admit that this semester was a wa**** was much more difficult to realize just how long a recovery this undesired surgery was going to take. The harder information to hear is that my spine has a condition that is degenerative and without intervention on my part it comes with a rather gnasty prognosis. I'm gearing up for quite battle. I'm not going down without a fight. With stregnth training I can likely minimize the chances of a reoccurance. This has been quite a learning experience. I have had wow moments I never anticipated as even possible - such as "Thank God for WLS - I fit into a MRI machine" and "Thank God for WLS - When a thin woman walks into Dr's office saying 'I'm in pain' she's taken seriously, rather than dismissed like I had been for the past 5 years. . . "
I've been having a hard time making myself eat, and have been having to tantalize myself into eating. I've got a strong aversion to making a "mistake" (after back surgery, the last thing I want to do is end up throwing up!) I'm not so interested in persuing plastics right now. I've had more than enough pain for the moment. And I'm just not feeling like having another surgery anytime soon.
Its been a strange trip these past few months but, one day at a time I'm healing.
Wishing all the best,

on 12/13/05 8:41 am - A few short miles from my dreamhouse, MA
on 12/13/05 8:41 am - A few short miles from my dreamhouse, MA
Glad you are feeling better, Lara...
-Beth (yet another name/profile change, sorry)