Dating again.
Good luck on the dating game Dianne. I'm thrilled I don't have to deal with all that. Course I'd truly love to toss my husband away sometimes. LOL But then I'm afraid I'd want to date and that is one scary scary thing. Sorry I don't have any advice on the telling him about the surgery. I have no clue how to date anymore.
BTW, your weightloss is amazing. Wish I could lose another 20lbs. These last few lbs have been a real nightmare. I am still losing a lb or two every couple of months but the munchies are a real bear for me. Sometimes I feel like I eat like a normal person again. I know I don't but it's so much more than it once was.
Good luck on your dating journey!
Congrats Dianne!
Like any major thing in life - you tell him in your time. Whatever is more comfortable for you. Some people are uber direct and want all cards on the table right up front - some people wait until things are relevant.
My guess is you wait and see - the moment will present itself, and you'll tell him.
Hugs and stuff,

Hi Dianne. I agree with Lara. I think you will know the right time. The surgery was one of the most important decisions you made in your life. When things turn more intimate, then you can tell him. In the meantime, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
I am dating a wonderful man. Oh, wait a minute! He's my husband! We've been together almost 38 years...the day after Thanksgiving.
I hope you find your Prince. You deserve the very best.