Starting to lose weight again! Yay!
Hi April 2004 Board. I just had to write because I am so excited! It has been about 2 1/2 months since my second stomach surgery (I had stomach cancer removed the first time), and I am finally starting to feel I am on the road to recovery! It has been very tough, but I am so grateful that the Lord has been with me every step of the way, and He has blessed me with so much support from my family and friends.
Because I had to have the rest of my stomach removed this second time around and a new pouch made, my surgeon put in a feeding tube to help me get the nutrition I needed to heal. It has worked well, and initially I only lost about 15 lbs. after surgery. The feeding tube came out on Monday, and I am FINALLY starting to lose weight again! Thank you, Lord!
I initially lost about 60 lbs with my first surgery, but I regained about 15 of them when they discovered Sept. 2004 that the 1/10 of my stomach that was left was producing abnormal cells again. It started me on some pretty emotional eating binges! I have now lost that 15 lbs I had regained, plus almost another 5.
I am starting on a brand new journey with no more worries about ever getting stomach cancer again. I can't! I no longer have a stomach! Now I can concentrate on regaining my health and losing weight. This feels so good! I was so happy for all of you when I read your success stories about losing your weight. Now I am going to be able to join you with my own success story!
My first goal is to weigh less than my husband and our two grown sons. I only have a little over 10 lbs to go! In fact, I only have a little over 10 lbs until I reach ONE-DERLAND! I'll let you know when I get there. Hope to be posting that news real soon!

Hi Tina. I am so glad you wrote! You are one of the people that I have been following, and it's so good to hear from you! I felt like I had been left in the dust by everybody, and now that I have heard from you and realize that you are still working at it, I am going to dust myself off and keep going. Maybe we can help motivate each other!!??
I am starting to enter that scary unknown where I haven't been at this weight in probably 20 years. I need to give myself permission to cross the great divide soon and enter One-derland. I'm at 210 and going down! Yay!
I hope you will write again because I would love to hear from you. Take care, and God bless. Oh, and I think your puppy is adorable!
PS Please feel free to email me if you want.