Nervous about doctor visit in the morning
Hi all. Well, it's 4:15 a.m., and I can't sleep. I have to be at my surgeon's office at 9:30, and I'm nervous about the results of my bloodwork from last week. I haven't seen my doctor in almost 3 weeks, and I am so hoping that I am healthy enough to get my feeding tube removed. I am also hoping that the infection/abscess is gone where they removed the rest of my stomach, my spleen, and part of my pancreas. I was on antibiotics for 8 weeks, and I'm hoping I don't have to go back on them again. We'll see. I do feel better and am eating better, so that's good. I know for most of us we don't want to eat much, but for me, I need to maintain my weight so that the feeding tube can be removed. I'll work on losing more weight after that.
I just needed to vent. It's been a long recovery since my second surgery August 12th. I'm glad I have a place where I can come and talk. Thanks for listening.

Hi RAE. Thanks for your encouragement. I just got back from the doctor's office, and I am now without my feeding tube! Yay! He also said my infection is gone and my lab work looks good. I am still anemic, but he said that should subside in about 6 months.
I just read your recent profile entry. Way to go on the TT! I will be thinking good thoughts about you as you head back to work. Take it easy. Thanks again for writing.