Major frickin Pain
Hi my month-mates,
I'm in week two of off work/school bedrest with major back spasm. This sucks. My back had been bad before, but I hadn't had an episode with it since June 04. I thought my WL would make it magically disappear. It seems that was wishful thinking. I've had my MRI this morning, and I have an appt with a Back Surgical Specialist next Tuesday.
The pain is finally getting under control - its been a horrific week. My left leg is numb, and feels like pins and needles.
I'm saying prayers that I won't be in this kind of pain much longer.
Hugs to all,

Hi Lara, that completely sucks!!! It is interesting that you mention this problem....
I have never had back issues in my life, that is UNTIL I lost weight after WLS. Apparently, according to my physical therapist, our bodies learn to cope with certain injuries, etc....well, as soon as the weight started coming off, I started having back spasms...the first time I thought I had been electrocuted....the pain was horrific...I couldn't move my legs...but you understand....
Anyway, come to find out I have 5, count um, 5 bulging discs in my back/neck....3 in my neck, 2 in my lower back...never knew I even had a problem.
So, although I am now 128 lbs thinner, and at goal, I did pick up a lil something extra, back pain....
Best wishes to you for not only recovery, but for a fix for the future....back pain completely SUCKS!!!
I will be sending warm thoughts your way...
I'm sorry you are having this. I've had numerous aches and pains since loosing weight, including hip bursitis. I have a bulging disc in my back and now have shoulder pain, and wonder if I have something in my neck. Overall my pain is less since loosing weight. Hang in there. At least you don't have the added stress of carrying all that weight around!