
on 9/7/05 10:11 am - Louisville, KY
I have become hypoglycemi****ep having huge drops in my blood suger, I started checking it because I was feeling shaky, sweaty, etc. like dumping syndrome only not eating sugar and it's about 3 - 4 hours after eat. I talked to a dietician today who told me to do a food journal, eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day and call her Monday. The times I've checked my blood sugar it's been around 65. Anyone else having this problem. I'm also having very low 80/50 blood pressure and drinking a lot of water, but as a result of low bp and low bs tired. I'm going to see my primary care doctor Saturday. I'm still loosing weight, although is finally slowing way down, which is a good thing. Dianne 340/142
on 9/7/05 11:42 pm - Eleva, WI
This happens to me too. I had to switch from 3 to 5 meals a day. I can't go more than 2.5 - 3 hours between meals. It also hits me if I've been naughty and indulged in too many carbs.
on 9/8/05 2:58 am - Louisville, KY
That's what I've been noticing, it seems like to many carbs brings it on. Do you know how many grams of carbs you can have without having a reaction? Are certain carbs worse (i.e. chips worse than potatoes or rice, fruit, etc.) or is it all the same? It's kind of frustrating because I don't want to loose anymore weight, as of today I'm down to 140, I have a lot of food allergies, I've become totally lactose intollerant. I don't know what to eat. Thanks for the support. Dianne 340/140
on 9/8/05 4:07 am - Eleva, WI
Doesn't seem to matter what kind of carbs they are. The worst is white flour. Bagel, bread, chips, noodles. You know, the things we shouldn't have. I can do just a tiny bit of rice or potatoes & fruit is ok most of the time. I'm have difficulty losing my last 40 pounds. Sure wish I could get it going again.
Rae Smiles
on 9/8/05 4:09 am - Mount Airy, MD
yes, I too have both low blood pressure and hyposglycemia...my blood sugar is sometimes in the low 50's...makes me shaky, unable to concentrate AND terribly cranky.... My blood pressure also is around 80/50 at times...I have blacked out a few times...the first time it happened my husband and the neighbor were talking, watching me work in my flower garden....I stood up, and went right to the ground....very light headed, etc.....both quickly rushed to my aid, but I was fine...just needed something to eat.... Anyway, I eat every 3 hours, making sure it has protein to bring up my bloodsugar....sugar will bring it up, but way to fast...you already know that....anyway, it is something that I have to be aware of at all times...also, if I eat chinese food at least 1-2 times a week, it raised my blood pressure just a wee bit and I feel so much better. My PCP suggested it rather than having to go on a rather new med to raise blood pressure... Also, as a sidenote, when I was young(er) and thin, I had the exact same issues, low blood pressure and blood sugar....so I don't think it is an issue with the WLS, at least not for me. Also, I keep myself hydrated... Good luck...also, if you find the magical answer, please pass it along... RAE
on 9/8/05 5:39 pm - Louisville, KY
Thanks Rae, do you focus on eating nuts and vegies every few hours, or what do you eat? I'm having a really hard time figuring out what to eat. I have been waking up in a sweat around 3:00 a.m and tonight I ate some fruit. I go to see the doctor Saturday. Dianne
Rae Smiles
on 9/9/05 9:23 am - Mount Airy, MD
I eat protein....yes, other things as well, but protein will help stabilize blood sugar....fruits have sugar....some more than others... For me, when I get shaky, I eat a piece of cheese, a protein bar (no sugar), drink a protein drink, an egg, beef jerky, etc, etc, etc...you get the idea.... I do eat nuts on occasion...I know small amounts are good for me...but I find the nutritonal content to be a bit scary with all the fat..also, I have a hard time stopping at a handful..so yes, I do eat nuts, but only about once per week. I MUST eat before I go to bed, otherwise I feel like crap when I wake up, which is at 4:30 am during the week....I eat at least 6 meals per day and the last one is right before bed....also, a carb that I love is oatmeal w/milk....I do eat it several times per week... Also, not sure if others have this problem, but when my bloodsugar drops I have NO control over what I eat...I just know that if I don't eat something quick, I will kill someone....typically I am very easy to get along with, etc., when my sugar goes down, I am intensely cranky...my poor husband.... We love to take drives...all of a sudden he will say...lets stop and get something to eat...later he will tease me that he thought his body was going to be found in a roadside ditch....but I didn't say anything I will reply...he says....I know, but you are sitting there, with a nasty look on your face and I know what comes next....short impatience followed by nastiness....geez, so much for being easy going...LOL Anyway, I try very hard to keep an eye on the clock...although my body does a good job of letting me know.... Best wishes, RAE
on 9/9/05 12:45 pm - Newville, PA
Hi Dianne....I have had the same problem. I am very very tired, cranky, and no energy. I was sent to see an endocrinologist who then sent me to a dietician. She told me not to eat refined carbs. Not to eat anything under 3 grams of fiber. The higher fiber will stay in your system longer and help with the blood sugar going low. I had a 2 hr glucose tolerance test. It went from 81 fasting, to 151 a 1/2 hr after drinking the orange liquid they give you to 51 an hour and a half after that, which is quite a quick drop. The dietician also said to eat about every 2hrs...not big meals, just something every 2 hrs. I'm still tired a lot, but found my blood sugar isn't going up and down as much as it was. Try to keep most of your meals protein...and I'm to stay away from a lot of fruit. Although if I eat apples, I will dip them in peanut butter, which she said is good because of the protein in it. She also said to keep the carbs 15 grams or under and you subtract whatever your fiber is from the total carbs and that's what your actual carbs per serving are. I wish you luck, I know how hard it is. Stacy
on 9/11/05 12:15 am - Louisville, KY
Thanks, I will give eating every 2 hours a try. Dianne
on 9/12/05 11:52 pm - Louisville, KY
Keeping the carbs under 15 is hard. I like chili and it has 30 grams for 1 cup. Last night I ate some grapes and felt bad. I feel like I can't eat anything. Dianne 340/138
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