Plastics Poll...
Hi Everyone, I was asked a question by a fellow WLS'er who had her surgery in April we are a year ahead of her.
Anyway, I am gearing up for a TT with muscle tightening, followed by a breast lift approx 4 months later.....
We were discussing my upcoming surgery and she asked if EVERYONE needed some type of corrective surgery....
I started with an answer of NO, but then I started most folks NEED or maybe WANT some corrective work done after WLS because of the typically large weight loss and of course the short time frame of the weight loss...
so, if you are comfortable checking in...
What are you planning to have done? Nothing? Is your skin issue a medical/physical issue/problem or something that you have having done to reward yourself for all your hard work....
Also, I know that $$/insurance does play a role in many aspects of corrective that the only thing holding you back from having corrective surgery?
My skin issue aren't too bad. I have stretch marks close to my armpits, but otherwise my arms are good. I also have a bit of a sag on the very upper part of my thighs, but nothing anyone else would notice.
I have a lot of stretch marks along the top of my breasts and my tummy skin looks a bit wrinkled and points in the wrong direction, but I have no hang to speak of.
So, would need to do anything with my limbs. I'd love the guts to have a breast reduction/lift (have always wanted one, even before gaining weight). With tendonitus in both shoulders, insurance would probably pay. I also wouldn't mind a tummy tuck, but can't imagine spending that much money on something only me and my hubby (who could care less) is going to see.
Most of all, I'm afraid of distorting my body self image. I think, if I have one area done, then I'll be more dissatisfied with other issues that seem minor now. So I'm really working on self acceptance right now.
I really liked Rachel's response about working on self-acceptance now. I'm right there too. At 60, I'm plenty wrinkled but do not have enough excess skin to cause medical problems - no rashes, etc. So insurance will not pay for anything and I don't have the $$ to use. I think I'd like a face lift LOL. Not going to have anything done at this point. I don't have breast tissue any more but don't want breast surgery, thank you - my mother died of breast cancer so these tiny tits will not see a knife unless they have to be removed. It's not just the $$ - I don't want the pain either. Or the recovery period. I like being able to do stuff.
253/126goal/116 today - and maintaining from 115-120.
still 5'1"
If money/insurance were no issue,
I'd have:
*full circumferential lower body lift (which would solve my panni, back and butt issues all in one),
*brachioplasty for my upper arms
*thighplasty for my upper thighs
*breast augmentation
*pubic lift
*& varicose vein treatment
It's awful, I can't imagine how bad I'd look had I needed to lose much more weight, I'm a deflated sack of skin.
Melting Mama

I just had a plastic sugery consult on the 1st. I have so much skin that I look like a Sharpei Puppy. As I cannot afford to pay for this on my own I'm looking into insurance coverage.
Doc looks at me and starts pulling on the skin and says when he reaches my stomach "Wow, your a little thing under there". He doesn't give me much hope for the Arms or the thighs (thighs being the absolute worst). He says "I've seen people with less weightloss get approved and people who have lost more than you not get approved" "Insurance is a wierd thing". However when he starts taking my beauty shots, LOL, He says "I'd be suprised if they don't cover this" Meaning my stomach and a breast reduction.
I've gone from a size 50DDD down to a 34DDD. The breast are now the consistency of a bag of mashed potatos. The stomach hangs below the pubic area basically hiding it completely. The things are just hanging from the inside down to my knees. They wrinkle over the knee caps. It's truly an ugly thing. The butt pinches so bad when I sit. Sitting is an uncomfortable task now. Rashes are everywhere. The weight of all this hanging skin pulls on my back giving me some major muscle spasms. I CANNOT see how an insurance can deny a person when this skin is definitely beyond a cosmetic issue. I won't know if I'm covered by insurance for 4-6 weeks. Here comes the long and painful wait.