Addicted AGAIN!!!
Seems like it doesn't matter how small my stomach gets, I still shove coca cola down it. I've never been one to drink diet colas no matter how many people have told me "you'll get use to the taste".
I had my first coke a year after surgery when I was at a picnic and that was all they had to drink. My stomach felt so much better after having the coke that I haven't been able to stop since. I drink maybe one a day - not always a full one. At work I may take all day to just a semi-watered down one.
Mentally I know it isn't a good idea but my stomach feels like it is renewed!

Mine is sweets - been eating one to two a week. I know I shouldn't but still do, then my stomach aches for an hour. I have been on my first platue in 16 months. I have not lost anything in five weeks. I am stuck at -143 pounds. I know that is good - don't get me wrong. If I stayed here for the rest of my life - this surgery has been a complete SUCCESS. However, I should stay on the wagon and get my last 8-10 pounds off - I really want to do that - before I have the skin removal.
Toni Bowen
Open DS - 20 April 2004
285/142/132 (or so) 132 is "normal" bmi
I drink 1 soda a day also - I allow myself to have it. I started at a year out & feel just fine allowing myself to have it. I am still losing (and want to stop!) ~ I was told they don't want me to have soda because they DON'T KNOW if it has any effect on the pouch .... I told my Dr I could be the Guinea Pig then
I don't always drink the entire thing either - I think part of me just wants to feel "normal" again - and I don't want to come up with an excuse why I can't have a soda anymore (no-one knows I had surgery) ...
Don't get down on yourself - it could be so much worse then a soda ....

I am still loosing and want to stop as well. The gastrointerologist is running some tests to make sure I'm absorbing what I should be and gave me some antibiotics as he thought I might be building up to much bacteria in the extra small intestines that is no longer being used. At my age, my face cannot afford to loose anymore weight. Keep me posted on what your doctor says about your weight loss.
Congrats on your tremendous weight loss everyone! I am addicted to soda as well, but it'a always Diet Coke. I can't stand regular soda, too much syrup. I started drinking sodas about a month after surgery, even the doc said not to. I'm now sixteen months post op and i've plateaued at 180lbs. That's a total loss of 155lbs (335-180). I think this plateau has come from some current health issues as well as a recent knee surgery that has limited my exercise. I'm not advocating soda and sweets by any stretch, everyone responds differently. I just wanted to mention that diet soda has been fine for me and I can handle up to appx. 20 grams of sugar at a time. I got up to 335 from sweets and regular soda, so I don't mess with sugar much because I have no interest in being that heavy ever again.