I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finally got off my a** and made an appointment for the plastic surgeon. I meet with them on September 1 to see what they can do for me. Hopefully it will be a breast reduction and tummy tuck at the very least. I've lost 180lbs and have enough skin to make someone else a new suit. This tugging and pulling is very uncomfortable and I'm ready to say BY BY to the old me. I need to be peeled like an apple. LOL
BTW, all my testing to find out what's wrong with my pouchie is on hold as my Dr.'s office is out of compliance with Keystone East so I'm praying for no more pain or any type of emergency as they can't see me. I guess the CAT scan and the EGD will take place as soon as they can get paid.
I really hate the hoops that you have to go through to get things paid for.
Anyway I wish you all good health and happiness.
Finally losing again!
339/158 (for today anyway)