HELP!!! I am on bed rest AGAIN!
Okay what the heck! I am on medical bedrest again ... just like 5 months ago when there was a hole in my intestine - except this time I didn't have to stay in the hospital - he just told me to stay in bed for 5 days & if I am not better by Monday I have to go to the hospital for the barrage of tests ... has anyone heard of this before? I am going to post it on the main board also, but I always start here with you guys.
This time it started out as back pain for 3 days, then the 4th day it went into my abdomen & I was screaming with pain ... luckily I go ahold of my Bypass doc & he was able to take me after hours ... but once again he just looked at me and didn't know what to tell me ... it is starting to FREAK me out!
Please get yourself into a big-city hospital with a WLS program instead. Sounds like your doc is little less than helpful.

I am in a big city & I used the biggest WLS doctor around with the best knowledge, expierence & best program (before & after).
The problem that I am having, is that he has NEVER seen this problem before & none of his co-associates have heard of this either. There is an intestional bug going around & he hoped that was all it was ... Today (Sunday) my abdominal pain is almost completely gone - but my back pain is TERRIBLE! I almost can't stand it ... the pills he gave me do nothing for the pain - I don't know what I am going to do. My doc said if I wasn't normal by Monday I should call him & they would admit me to the hospital for testing. I just have no clue as to what is wrong & how to fix it. It hurts to stand, to sit & to lay down, I just can't get comfy!
The last time they admitted me - the ER wanted to cut me open & look around - he told them not to until they knew what they were even looking for (Thank God!) they found there was a leak, but couldn't figure out what started it & couldn't find the actual hole ... he was more frustrated then me.
I have complete faith in my Dr - I don't trust my body!
Bless your heart!! I hate this for you!! I wish I could give you some advice, but alas I haven't a clue!
I hope that when you go back to the doc he maybe has figured out what is going on. I'd hate for them to cut you open and it be something that could've been something less serious. Just get plenty of rest...
and maybe the pain will ease up.
In the meantime I'll say a prayer for you.

Hello ladies - it has been 2 weeks & I am feeling better - somewhat. I am off my pain meds, but I just don't feel 100% yet. The abdominal pain went away last Sunday & then went back to my back - now it seems to be gone - I just still feel heavy.
I am thinking of asking my doc about an ulcer since there are a lot of people expierencing those right now.
Thanks for the love!