I expected this. . .but this morning, it's making me sad. I was deined for my Body lift by my insurance. And I know that I should be all gung ho with the rally cry of "Appeal". . .but right now its just kicking me in the teeth a little bit. I mean, I know insurance is a purchased commodity not a right in this country, and that it's my healthcare plan that has the exclusions, not the "evil empire" or some booty. I know all the things to say to make myself feel better. But, I think I'm just going to have to let myself feel bad about it for a little while. Later I'll be ready to start the train rolling on an appeal. Thank god I don't want it until December.

Sorry to hear the bad news ... I too was denied & ended up self paying for my Breast Lift - Arm Lift & Lipo on my saddle bags ... Feel bad - you have a right to! But don't let it get you down ... Hopefully you can get it all approved - otherwise we will have to start a fund for you
320/146 OMG!!!

At least you were aware it might happen... g'head and appeal! I hope it works out for you.
I got so frustrated and miserable because I was told that the doctor wouldn't even send my pix to the insurance company to even *try*.