That's the first on my list once the tummy gets tucked, if ever. LMAO!
I already did the nose.
Hi Hon!
M/W/F --- Weights (I'm a trainer at a local gym...I get to workout wilst working...HA!)
T/Th ---Short run (3-4 miles at a 12min mile pace)
Sat - Long run...currently on 8 miles (starting training again for my October race).
Sun -- Tennis or bike ride (or sometimes I just colapse in a heap
And I take it you are still running???

You're a crafty one Ms Rachel!!!!
You're my hero and my inspiration - I keep telling myself that some people who had surgery with me have already run a marathon and it keeps me on track.
What distance is your October run? I'm doing a 10 mile run - and I'm scared but hopeful.
I'm wishing you the VERY best,
WHO is THIS skinny WOMAN?!
OMG, Dianne, lookit you!
I did not recognize you. You're kicking some serious ASS, girl!

I'm doing an hour of cardio (eliptical, treadmill & bike -- or whichever mood strikes me) and 1/2 hour of weights 4 to 5 times a week. I did a water aerobics class last month, but missed my gym time. I can't imagine I'm actually admitting to that!!! I actually love to sweat now -- my sweetie tells me I don't look very ladylike when I come home from the gym tho!!! He's loving every minute of it...
Does anyone know at what percent we should be targeting our heart rate? I'm staying around 80-85%. Also, has anyone tried the monitors you wear on your body? and are they really worthwhile?