Siiighhhh..had to bring up the "e" word, didn't ya??? LOL
Well, I am actively chasing after the 5 and 2 y/o energy balls that co-habitate with me, their drained parent...My walking partner had the nerve to get pregnant and put on a step above bedrest...I have been lax about my workouts lately. We were visited for 2 weeks by my in-laws, great g-ma, and 4 neices. During their stay, we swam everyday (Yeah!!! I have not been in a bathing suit or swimming for almost 15 yrs...gotta love WLS!)
I am still recovering mentally from their visit, as it was high stress...VERY HIGH STRESS!!! Tonight, we are having dinner guests, so I am cleaning like a madwoman...sigh...I am going to try to get back on the wagon..can someone kick me in my tooshie, please???
HA! That's funny! E x e r c i s e? What is that?
I walk - when I can. My goal is a one hour walk every day, but it only happens about 3-4 times a week at best, with kids up my arse all day every day. If I were child-free a bit more, I'd get a lot more in, perhaps even at the gym.
The stuff I do with the kids hardly qualifies as exercise, since I can't get them to go fast enough to keep my heartrate up,
Help me win.... please!

Slow burn weight training 3 x/week
20 minutes treadmill 3x/week
water aerobics - 1x/week
swimming/belly dancing/floor exercise etc - some but not as much as I'd like.
No real walking in the summer desert heat but will again do more in the fall.
I have finally reached the point where the endorphins kick in and am enjoying moving. It helps a lot that it no longer hurts to walk to the mailbox or the car.
I walk as much as I can...power walking...typically 2-3 miles at least 3 x weekly....sometimes more...
but about the belly dancing....I am very interested....on Sept 19th I am going in for my tummy tuck and I told my husband the other day that I want to learn to belly dance....
is this something new for you? or something you have done for a while...how did you get started?