Size positive art & photography?
At The Beauty - 28 year old Shyly, who is 5'4" and 320 lbs shares her size-positive art, mainly in the form of photos of herself, taken by professional photographers. There is nudity, in the photo gallery, so use discretion. This website took me by surprise, mainly because I was exactly the same size as she is, and I can't ever imagine I'd be so at ease with sharing it.
What do you think?
"Q: Why did you decide to do this website? What's the point of modeling?
A: There is a clear lack of images portraying any real kind of body diversity in the American culture. Most people do not see themselves or their concerns reflected realistically by the media. My role models never look like me. When I look out at the world, I do not see myself reflected back at me. The message is clear - I am not welcome. I am other."

Thanks, Beth - I loved a lot of this. Which is why I try to stress in my postings that we were beautiful prior to surgery but healthier now. We as women are so conditioned to disparage ourselves if we don't fit the "norm." Self-loathing, etc. Not a healthy mental image. The nudity is lovely.
I think it is so important to us as morbidly obese people to recognize our own beauty both prior to surgery and after.
Hi Ruth. I totally agree...we have to love ourselves and feel worthy of love no matter what. I have a friend that says if she gains her wait back, she will kill her self...and she means it I think. It saddens me. There is so much more to us than our physical appearance. Its easy to get wrapped up in it thanks for the reminder.