row call

on 7/5/05 11:32 pm - Bridgeport, CT
Hi everyone! Just wanted to check everyone's progress at 15 months post op. Surgery weight-325 current weight-208 goal weight-180 I don't know if I will lose the last 28lbs. it seems like my weight has come to a complete halt. I do excercise weekly on average about twice a week. Everyone tells me that I look great at 208lbs being 5'9' tall. But I really want to see ONEderland. Has anyone else run into this problem....I mean come to a halt and then start loosing again. Or do you think that this is the end of the road for me? Maybe some older post ops have some advice. Thanks!
(deactivated member)
on 7/5/05 11:59 pm - South of Boston, MA
Surgery weight - 298 lbs Current weight- 148 lbs Goal weight- 130 lbs. I've been maintaining and bouncing from 140-150 for months, and months... I know I'd stay right at this point forever if I didn't change much... or I'd gain if I didn't pay attention at all. I'm treading water right now... -Beth http:// meltingmama.blogspot DOT com/
Luann S.
on 7/6/05 12:23 am - Green Bay, WI
Surgery weight 254 current weight 155 goal weight 130 I know where your coming from. On my one year anniversary I was down to 148. Felt good. Thought this is where I want to be after a 106 lb weight loss a year ago. On April 6th I had my tummy tuck and weighed 154 at the Dr's office. Go figure. A few weeks after the surgery I did get down to 145. But slowly gained the better I felt. It is still a struggle every day for me too. Funny, how I am still considered 'overweight' when people tell me I look just fine. I know I can do this if I 'bust my butt' I also bounce around from 148-155. Right now 155 is the highest I've been since April not acceptable for me. I know I can get lower. For me it's all about exercise and portion control. Yes, exercise, SUCKS but it's something that I have to do so I won't gain again. Portion control. I still have to weigh/measure my food out. I don't go over 8oz a meal and stick to 3-4 oz during the day at work. I snack a bit at home not on 'junk'. I'm sure you look great, and feel evern better. The compliments should keep your motivation up. Good luck to you....... !!
Josie C.
on 7/6/05 1:44 am - High Desert, CA
Start weight-343 Current weight-235 Goal weight (for Plastics)-180 or 160 would be better My surgeon really doesn't see me below 150 even though I'm only 5'1"...considering age...etc. which I can live with. My weight seems to have stalled own fault though I am too busy having fun I'm not tracking properly. I have gone back to Jenny Craig to help me moderate my food intake better and it seems to be helping. I also know I need to exercise more. It's one of those things I know what I need to do...I just need to do it.
Donna Paige
on 7/6/05 3:19 am - Pottstown, PA
Hello! Hello! Hello! I am glad to see some life come back into the board again. Scales have not been moving much as of late for me either. I gain and I lose and gain and lose. Hopefully I will see some drop soon as I'd like to lose another 20lbs before my plastic surgery consult but if it doesn't happen I'm really excited as I can now walk a couple of miles without dying. Used to couldn't walk a 100 feet without extreme pain. Surgery Weight: 339lbs Current Weight: 160lbs Goal Weight: 130lbs Size 12 pants now! YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 7/6/05 3:41 am - Louisville, KY
Starting Weight - 340 Current Weight - 147 Goal weight - was 150 According to my doctor the most a person 5'6" should weigh is 140 but I think my face looks to thin and wrinkly at 150, I'm worried about getting much thinner. But I keep loosing. I'm wondering if I will stop loosing when I get to 140. Did anyone read the book "Thinner" it's weird. Also, I have a terrible problem with gas, I can't have any dairy products or wheat. Anyone else having this problem? Dianne 340/147
on 7/6/05 5:44 am - Conyers, GA
ok hey all i am still around too just haveing a big bad time in my life right now Surgery Weight -300 current weight -220 goal weight - 200/180 not sure i will be happy with both LOL But that last 30-40 is a pain in the butt i can agree with ya there ...Man i am totally cracking down cause i just gained 5 pounds i am sure from stress and i am praying it is water weight but only time will tell and i am not going to get down about it .....i am usually between 210-215 so hopefully it will fall off LAura
on 7/6/05 6:34 am - Long Beach, CA
Hi Guys! At the risk of sounding like a broken record...My weight loss has really slowed down too ! May was the first month I didn't lose anything. Almost felt kinda weird. Probably a good wake up call. From here on out I think I will struggle to maintain, just like the average person (that thought can be kinda depressing). I still have about 4 pounds to go to get to goal, so it is forcing me to re-evaluate some of my choices. I know I could make better choices sometimes, like eliminating the creamer in my coffee, and margaritas on the weekend. Last month I lost 3 pounds, so I can still lose weight if I make the right choices. My weight goes up and down 4-5 pounds. I try not to let it get more than 5 pounds up. Being too complacent was how I got to be so overweight to begin with. But, I think it is realistic for our weight loss to slow down this far out. I was happy with the fullness in my face about 20 pounds ago...I really need to update my photo.... But I still have fat in some places I would like to get rid of! My thighs and tummy especially! I wish I could just choose where it came from with out the help of a plastic surgeon. Now I am trying to save up the energy to begin the whole plastics battle. But, over all, I am SO much happier than I was 125 pounds ago! Glad to hear from some April surgery buddies ! Mae 4-28-04 Lap RNY Dr. Atkinson, Las Vegas 274/149/145
Just Janice
on 7/6/05 7:16 am - Houston, TX
Hiiiii!!!! Before consult 350+ At consult 346 Day of surgery 310 Today 152 Goal 150, even at only 5'3"...I have major skin issues...siiigh Since the MD said "go ahead, eat freely", I have been. YIKES!!! Carbs are not my friend. I bounce between 150-155, and cannot seem to break 150. I am going on the no carb thing soon...very soon...I personally would like to see 130, pre-plastics, but eveyone thinks I will look sickly. Siiiigghhhh...I am stuck in "fat girl mode", not liking what I see in the mirror, even tho I am a size 8. Hopefully, the mind will catch up soon... Hope everyone is well. Janice
on 7/6/05 1:22 pm - York, PA
I am quite content with my weight and where I am at. In fact I wish some of the fat that is in my thighs could move to my face. At 14 1/2 months post op I never thought I would be sitting here comfortably wearing a size 6 clothing or weight 142 llbs. Height is 5'8 Beginning weight 258 Goal weight 148 Current weight 142 Ultimate goal 140 I was on vacation the last four days and I lost two lbs, I did really good not eating to many things bad for me like chocolate covered bananas and strawberries. Yum! I am quite proud of myself. Lori
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