Need support/comments/readers!
Hi all
I've been keeping a weblog about my journey after my gastric bypass, and I entered into a local newspaper contest about weblogs. I got an email today, stating that I am a finalist! I'm going to be judged on number of comments left to my postings and such, so I'd love for some of the OH family to come and visit me. Thanks, gang.
You can get there at (fix the link first)
http:// meltingmama.blogspot DOT com/
It's also linked in my profile as my webpage.
I appreciate it, thanks so much.
(& Bob

Hi Beth!
I love your blog site! Is it more reliable than the OH profiles? I hate to pour my heart and soul into another journal unless I think it won't get wiped out, you know?
Good Luck in the contest. I visited the page but I don't know how to leave a message or anything.
It's great to be back in touch again! You look ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS !!
Oh yes, very reliable... I deleted my OH profile to basically nothing... I lost it too many times.
To leave a message, you can "comment" on posts...
Help me win www. southofboston .com 's
Battle of the Blogs
Visit my site & leave a note
*July 11th-August 7th*
http:// meltingmama.blogspot. com/

Okay, just click on "comment" on a posting - which you don't have to do... what will help more is just to email [email protected] ... with a comment about my site, and whether it beats out the other ones...