TT is all done

on 6/23/05 7:24 pm - Agawam, MA
Good morning Amos Family, Well im home, Had a ftt 6/22.Everthing went really well.i was able to come home 6/23/05 first thing am. I had it done at 730 and was in recovery by 10:30. in room by 3:30 i was up walking in recovey...could not stay in the bed.........tooo uncomfortable...........So they got me a jerry chair. and also used it as my bed in my room. It was so hard to find a comfortable position. I feel so tight that i feel like if i took a big deep breath ...i'd explode!The pain isnt really that bad.....but at the long hip to hip cut it feels warm and stingy and itchuy feeling. I cant stand it.......driving me i was up walking all night at the hospital....jut couldnt sleep,,,,and i felt better standing rather then sitting, To lookt at the drains is enough to make you wanna and i cant stand to look at my belly button. Ps also lypod the flanks hips and inner thighs for me as well.My upper legs are probally 3 x's the normal size and are wicked black and blue.........i feel no pain there though...think its still numb,,,,, I have been taking per****t and vallum and levaquin. I cant stand up straight,,and as the day goes on i'm hunced over more and more......... It is uncomfortable to eat......feel over stuffed really quick......i had 3 strawberries and 2 bites of yogurt and was stuffed! i can see a huge diffrence..........just have a lil swellon for know ,it will probally get worse, I havent been draing much at all.......25cc from right side and 10 from the left maybe tues on my post-op visitt they will remove at least one I'm so glad i bought several sun dresses........they are so comfy....... It hurts really bad to hiccup burp and pass gas,,,,,,,,,and ive been trying to get a cough out but cant. the pain is more like a iching burning feeling.. the binder is a god send.......whem it comes off to change the dressing i feel like my wholw insides are falling out. And reading and writting is blurry to me .im asuming its all the meds? My bb is really gross! i never could stand looking at bb any how.......they turn my stomach. well i wil up date more later.......and post pics of before and 1 day post-op and weekly post op photos. I cant consintrate on tpying athe momnet Take care Stephanie 235/123 Br 3/23/05 TT 6/22/05
on 6/26/05 1:14 am - Louisville, KY
I'm glad you're doing well. Dianne
on 6/26/05 1:56 am - Cunningham, KY
Stephanie, I'm glad you are home and functioning!!!LOL Good luck with everything... a tip a friend of mine gave me about the whole BB thing...get a marble a steralize it really well and insert it into your BB and keep it there and it will form know without looking like you just had it took apart and put back together!! GOOD LUCK!!
on 6/27/05 4:55 am - WY
Hi Stephanie I am glad that you are home and doing well. Take care Mechelle 283/148(sometimes 150, like today)140
on 6/27/05 11:48 pm - Twin Cities, MN
Thanks for the update - glad to read that you came through alright. Keep on working on feeling better. Hugs, ~Lara
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