Progress Poll

on 6/12/05 7:31 pm - New Bern , NC
Height: 5' 4" Highest Weight- 231 lbs Day of Surgery Weight: 221 lbs Six Month Weight: ? One Year Weight: 125 give or take 2 lbs Weight Right now: 120 lbs give or take 2 lbs Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? Eating better choices and stopping when I feel full The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? DIET COKE and too many carbs, carbs are easier at work because I know I can continue to work without dumping......too risky to chance still getting sick at work.... During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fend all the time A. Although I did test things, everything was allowed, but sometimes I tested them too early. During the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fend all the time B. I will admit it the longer away from my date, the more I tried new things, some not all good for me!! Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? No, I don't think I need to loose anymore weight. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? No, I sadly admit to not exercising like I should. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? Not yet, but it is hard living in Japan! Did you lose more weight after the surgery? Did you lose in clothing size after the surgery? What is your worst issue regarding excess skin? After loosing all this weight I still can not wear junior size shorts because they are too excess skin on my thighs and butt are too gross!! Never mind wearing a bathing suit without shorts!!! Maybe one day... When do you feel it appropriate (lbs loss or % loss) to contact the plastic surgery? When you are satisfied with your loss and feel the time is right for you....Although I would give it at least a year to see how much you will loose and where you need it most!!! What's the most positive thing to come out of having this surgery for you? The way I feel everyday with the confidence I have gained!! What's the most negative thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? Nothing for me!! On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? 8 it still keeps me in line when I do things I shouldn't, but allows me to try a little of everything!!! Thanks I really enjoyed reading and answering this poll!! Lori 231/120 past goal
on 6/13/05 12:30 am - Agawam, MA
Height: 5'2" Highest Weight- 235 Day of Surgery Weight: 235 Six Month Weight: 163 One Year Weight:134 Weight Right now: 123-126 Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? Exercise and taking vitamins The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? Snacking on potato chips and eating lots of salt During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: A During the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: B - started eating potato chips Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? I really dont think so........i dont eat then often enough Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? Yes everyday.power walk bike ride hike and rollerblade and joined a pilates class and swim now that our pool is open Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? Yes i had a breasst reduction 3/23/05 and am sceduled for a ftt on 6/22/05 Did you lose more weight after the surgery? after my BR i lost 3 lbs abiut 4 weeks after Did you lose in clothing size after the surgery? somewhat.......i need a smaller shirt to fit my breast area but still need the same size to fit over my extra skin after tt probally What is your worst issue regarding excess skin? Infections and rashes in the crease and back pain When do you feel it appropriate (lbs loss or % loss) to contact the plastic surgery? I contacted a ps for a consult in jan only 9 months po. i was at goal weight and have maintained (with still losing a lb here and there) What's the most positive thing to come out of having this surgery for you? I no longer have a severe case of pcos and no longer need to take metformin What's the most negative thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? Putting me into debt with a new fetish of always shopping for new clothes. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? I would have to say a 8. i always make healthy food choices but eat unhealthy no nutrtional value foods at least once a week as iam only human and need to feel normal........but like all normal ppl just in moderation.........
on 6/13/05 2:48 am - Louisville, KY
Height: 5' 6" Highest Weight- 340 lbs Day of Surgery Weight: 340 lbs Six Month Weight: 234 One Year Weight: 172 Weight Right now: 156 Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? Daily vitamins, almost daily protien shake, eating smaller portiens The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? I still try and eat when I'm upset. Still eat fast food and still eat sugar in very tiny amounts. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: B During the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: B - sometimes, are worse than others, I'll usually have a few bad days and then can get back on track. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? No Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? No, but I signed up for a Tai Chi and swimming class and I'm planning on making that my mission in life. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? No, I have my first consultation July 5th Did you lose more weight after the surgery? N/A Did you lose in clothing size after the surgery? N/A What is your worst issue regarding excess skin? Infections one my butt and thighs, waist is bigger then my butt, boobs sagging, hurts my back and shoulders When do you feel it appropriate (lbs loss or % loss) to contact the plastic surgery? I think I've lost just about all I'm going to and I'm consulting them now. It may be 6 months before I have the time saved up to take off for the surgery. What's the most positive thing to come out of having this surgery for you? Feeling like a person again. What's the most negative thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? Nothing. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL 9 Dianne 340/156
Donna Paige
on 6/13/05 9:14 am - Pottstown, PA
It's amazing how many good habits that everyone has now obtained since having this surgery. Can't imagine anyone thinking that it's not worth the risk and more to go through with this surgery. I just want to Thank you for taking the time to anwser these questions. I'm impressed with fmy ellow April Surgery Mates. Wish I could say I was as faithful as all of you guys. I realize that I am going to have to work a little harder and be a little more deligent and serious about changing my old ways. It's a positive thing to see so much hard work paying off for everyone of us. I wish you all continued success at losing the weight and fighting the food demons that seem to plague us all on occasion. Hoping and praying for the angels to show them selves on a regular basis. Big round of applause for everyone for a very productive and positive year.
on 6/14/05 6:54 am - Palm Springs, CA
Better late than never Highest weight - and pre-surgery - 253 still 5'1" 1 year weight - 126 - at goal today's weight - 119 or 120 (yesterday 119 at dr's office.below goal Best health habit - exercise - at least 3 times/week Worst habit that I still have. None too disastrous. Sometimes I binge (ha - not like I did) and have 6 sf popsicles or a handful of almonds. Sometimes I drink more coffee than I really should. Still use half and half in my coffee. 1st 6 months - followed instructions mostly. OK - I rushed through the phases a little bit - but just by days. My dr. was very cautious so I started adding foods (like scrambled eggs) a little early. first year - followed instructions My progress was better than I ever dreamed possible. No plastic surgery plans - insurance won't cover it and I just don't have the $$ Worst issue with skin - my belly bulges in some clothing and you can sure see my wrinkled legs if the shorts aren't long enough. See plastic surgeon - 6 months to a year after weight is stable Most positive thing - restored my health and mobility. I feel like a teenager again. Negative - none that I can think of. use of my new tool - some days 9, most days 10. I am very happy. Will post some new pictures on my profile soon. Ruth
on 6/14/05 11:02 am - Los Angeles, CA
as always.. lookin good.. lookin good ruth....
on 6/16/05 1:38 pm - Warren, OH
Height: 5' 6" Highest Weight- 330lbs Day of Surgery Weight: 324lbs Six Month Weight: 240lbs One Year Weight: 210 Weight Right now: 196 Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? reading labels and alot of exercise The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? snacking at work...especially carbs for energy! During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fend all the time My Answer: A. I was petrified to get as sick as I did when I first tried chicken (I thought I would die!) During the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fend all the time My Anwser: B. I can't eat too much that I'm not supposed to without getting sick. However, I can sure drink. You wouldn't think I could, with the stomach so small and all Also I suck at drinking enough water. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? The carb snacks and lack of water definately slow me down! Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? Yes...3-4 times a week of 30 minutes hard cardio and full circuit upper and lower body weights Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? Consult scheduled for August What is your worst issue regarding excess skin? I look like a melting candle with my clothes off. People say "You don't need it, you look great!" My answer to that is that clothing hides a multitude of sins! When do you feel it appropriate (lbs loss or % loss) to contact the plastic surgery? I have lost 128 of 155 to lose. I am seeing the surgeon in August but I don't want to have surgery until December. I will lose the rest by then. What's the most positive thing to come out of having this surgery for you? I don't have to hear about my "pretty face" anymore! What's the most negative thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? Nothing On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? 9 I think I'm progressing well and I haven't had any problems. When I get off the last 30 or so more pounds, I will then be a 10! xoxo Olivia
on 6/18/05 2:17 am - Fayetteville/Fort Bragg, NC
Height: 5' 6 Highest Weight- 288lbs Day of Surgery Weight: 280lbs Six Month Weight: 195lbs One Year Weight: 162lbs Weight Right now: 156lbs Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? I found a love for exercise and I've mastered portion control. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? eating when stressed During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fend all the time My Anwser: A or B. For the first 6 months I followed my doctors instructions to a T. I cheated once or twice and got very sick, so I was scared after that. During the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fend all the time My Anwser: Somewhere between B and C. I don't cheat ALL of the time. I know what is good for me and what is not. I do eat things that I shouldn't. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? Probably to an extent. But I'm happy with the rate at which I"ve been losing weight. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? Yes, at least 5 times a week. I love the gym. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? Not yet. My consult is scheduled for the end of August. Did you lose more weight after the surgery? N/A as I have not crossed that bridge yet Did you lose in clothing size after the surgery? Again N/A as I haven't had plastic surgery yet. I did however go from a size 26/28 to a size 10 since having the gastric bypass. What is your worst issue regarding excess skin? My stomach and inner thighs. There is a little bit under my arms. Everything else is fine. When do you feel it appropriate (lbs loss or % loss) to contact the plastic surgery? When you are at or close to goal and your weight has stabalized for a couple of months. What's the most positive thing to come out of having this surgery for you? Livng my life in general-- being able to play with my children, going out with my husband and holding my head high. What's the most negative thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? The excess skin but it would never change my decision On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? Around an 8. I am SOOO thankful, and it has worked well for me.
on 6/22/05 10:45 am - Virginia, VA
Height: 5'4 Heightest weight: 240 lbs Day of surgery weight: 240 lbs My weight at 6 months: 157 lbs My one year weight: 125 lbs My current weight: 120 lbs Surgery date: 4-9-04 Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? I DO look at labels and content of food, I know this was your answer. But I do this too lol The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? I do have an occasional recee cup ... During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fend all the time My Anwser: First 6 months I followed instructions to the letter. If I didnt I was sick and throwing up. During the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything or for the most part everything that your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fend all the time My Anwser: B. I occasionally eat something that isnt good for me. And love it lol Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? Absolutely but I must say that I've been drinking diet coke since the first 3 months after my surgery. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? No I have never excercised. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? No and not going to. Did you lose more weight after the surgery? Not really sure I understand this question. Did you lose in clothing size after the surgery? Ive went from an size 2X in my scrubs at work into a size Extra Small. I went from size 24-26 jeans to a size 4-5's. And size XS in shirts and streach pants. What is your worst issue regarding excess skin? I think my excessive skin looks pretty good. Only issue with it, I wont wear short shorts, because you can see the lose skin on the tops of my legs. But shorts that comes to the middle of the top of my legs work great. Hides it all lol When do you feel it appropriate (lbs loss or % loss) to contact the plastic surgery? I feel PS is for anyone that really needs it because the excessive skin gives them rashes and such. I would never do it just to be able to wear a bikini. What's the most positive thing to come out of having this surgery for you? I feel good about being me. I do things I would never have done at 240 lbs. Example: I went to my daughters award day program at school, and we had a dance in the gym afterwards. I got out and danced with her all night, while the rest of the parents stood against the wall and watched. What's the most negative thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? Im sick of hearing people tell me Im too small and I can blow away in the wind!!!!! Im not a leaf you know!! !lololol On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? My new tool would rate a 9.5. It still keeps me in line. To this day it tells me if I eat too much or too fast or too much sugar. It makes me sick and I throw up. What a pal to have !!!!! Honest Im really lucky with this surgery. I dont weight my food, I dont measure it. Never have. I dont count calories. Thoses things never worked for me in the past, and I just cant seem to do those things. I do hate water. I wish I didnt. But to get my water in I try to drink DeCaff Coffee. The doc told me no caff would count towards my water, so I do that. So far so good. If I knew everyone would go through surgery as good as me I would recommend it to the world. But since all arent as lucky as me, I dont like to recommend it to anyone. Oh if they ask me I will tell my story, but I tell them that each person is different and they may not be as lucky, that I made my own choice and they have to do the same. Shelia 240/120 Half the woman I use to be !!!!!!
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