New DL Photo
Hi Lara,
Feels good don't it!!!!
I too need to get my DL picture renewed.
It's kind of funny, I had to renew my DL last year in May because it expired and the weight on my license (230) was actually the truth then after losing 43 pounds. Now it is 80 something pounds off, the down way.
I am trying real hard to get to goal first before I change my picture, but I may need to do it before. Kind of struggling here.
Here's to great picture taking.(I love having my picture taken now)
Take care
I just got my new license photo done in May. I have always taken a great license picture but I must say this one is the worst of all the photos. Not that I look really bad, my teeth look funny. Go figure. I rarely take a good picture anyway and when I do they do not come out right. Oh well.
Starting weight 258
Goal weight 148
Current weight 144
Ultimate goal weight 140