MRSA Staph infection...
hope you all are enjoying your long weekend.
I had hernia surgery just after my one year anniversary and everythings seemed to be going well, but about 4 weeks later i went to my doctor because I noticed the drain color had changed and a yucky smell, my doctor did a culture and said to come back in two days..
well I did and he sent me directly to the hospital...seemed I had a MRSA staph infection. the weird thing was I felt fine and had not fever or any aches or pain.
My doctor was going do surgery that night, he wanted to open the wound and rinse the mesh area with saline, after an IV dose of anti-biotics he came in and said he was going to do the surgery first thing in the morning and he wanted one more IV anti-biotic done.
I still felt fine at this time and somewhat upset, my son was graduating high school in just over a week and I had a lot to do and I did not want to miss it either.
well after the doctor opened the hernia site back up he found the infection was pretty bad, he had to remove the mesh and remove some tissue, then he placed a different type of mesh, one that is not as strong but this one is absorbed after a while.
Because of the infection, he placed a PORT in my upper chest so I could get anti-biotic infusions at home! felt horrible when I woke up from surgery and spent a total of 4 days cooped up in the hospital.
I got out the day before my 38th birthday and was sent home with orders to take it really easy and no lifting anything over 10 pounds... so I got out of all the house work that needed to be done before 15 relitives came from out of state to see my son graduate.
Graduation went great, everyone was soooo impressed with the 117 pounds I lost in just over a year. some even said I had lost too!
I was taking two infusions a day in my port, 12 hours apart plus an oral anti-biotic in between, I am now down to just one infusion in the morning, for this I have to hook up a little bottle that slowly drips into the PORT, it takes 90 minutes! but I can put the bottle in my pocked and do just about anything while I wait unitl its done. I still take the oral anti-biotic. each monday a home health care nurse comes out to change the needle in the port and do blood work to see how the infection is doing. this will last a total of 6 weeks!!
anyone else have to deal with a MRSA infection?
I am feeling great today, sometimes I forget I even have he port hooked up.
Hi Donna. Sorry to hear about your infection, but I'm glad they figured out what was going on so that they could get you fixed up. Take care of yourself, and I'm glad you got to enjoy the graduation. Congrats on the terrific weight loss! I go see the doctor tomorrow morning to find out what the next step is with my stomach. I'm hoping she says the polyps are only an annoyance and won't ever turn cancerous. I'd like NOT to have to go in every three months for more tests, but if I need to, then I can accept that. I'm praying for a speedy recovery for you.