What is Dumping?
Hi. How can you tell if you are experiencing dumping? I probably should know the answer to this, but I don't. Is it similar at times to a hot flash?
Also, does anyone else experience discomfort/pain upon drinking liquids after eating? It happens to me if I take even a small sip after eating something. I also experience discomfort if I eat something dense like grapes or steak. Just wondering.....
I am going to see my gastroenterologist on Tuesday because I still have a bunch of questions! I'm also going to ask to be referred to a nutritionist who deals with people like us! Thanks for your help.

You've not dumped before?
Consider yourself lucky - it's awful. I dump all the time - on whatever my pouch decides is not going to go down nicely. Right now, my heart is racing and I feel dizzy, because I ate my protein bar too fast upon waking up.
"Dumping Syndrome occurs when food passes too quickly from the stomach into the small intestine. Symptoms may include a combination of nausea, uncomfortable fullness, cramping, and diarrhea, or weakness, sweating, and fast heart rate. Dumping can be provoked by eating very sweet or sugary foods."
Also - sugar alcohols (neither sugar nor alcohol) can make you dump, but not always. They make me feel crappy after a certain number. Maltitol really does a number on me.

I guess I do dump. And here I thought I was just having hot flashes..
.something I thought I was through, but returned after my surgery. I definitely experience uncomfortable fullness, sweating, and fast heart rate. I also hate to have anything at all tight around my middle or my ribcage. I just plain want to tear off my bra at times! Does this happen to you right away, or can you also experience it a half hour or so after eating? The other weird thing that I am experiencing is that I'm not necessarily full-full when I stop eating, and then about a half hour later, I feel really full to the point where the food feels like I am swallowing and reswallowing it. Sorry for being gross! I still have a lot to learn. Thanks, Beth. I'm so glad you and the others are here.

Beth took care of dumping - all of those are exactly what I get too. I also have problems with vomiting after I eat something that's too high in fat for my pouch's pleasure.
Also - I cannot take even a very small sip of liquids after eating solids. I get a horrible "floaty" feeling and then end up vomiting. When eating very dense foods like steak or chicken breast it helps to have a sauce of some sort to help it be less harsh on the pouch, and also I take VERY SMALL bites (like the size of a pencil eraser) and then chew until applesauce consistancy. When I stray from doing that, I can get problems with discomfort or vomiting.
All that being said - I wouldn't trade places with where I used to be for anything in the world.
Keep on keeping on Peg,
-210+ @goal

The other day I bought dinner at the grocery meatloaf and sqaush. Well the sqaush must have been loaded with sugar because I dumped big time. It's always weird I'm like what's happening especially after eating what I thought was a healthy dinner. Oh well. I'm in St. Louis and go to the doctor Tuesday. I'm excited.
Hi Dianne. Nice to hear from you. Thanks for sharing about your dumping. It helps. Good luck at the doctor's. Is this a regular check-up, or are you having something special done? What a difference a year makes! You also look great! I'm so glad to be back on-board and see the progress everyone is making. Let's keep it up!