Had My 1st Annual Visit today!!
Well, needless to say the surgeon was slightly disappointed...i'd only lost 44% of what i was supposed to....
seems they think i consume too much protien and want me to start reducing it by half. also, he suggested the occassional baked potatoe or toast....
well, i eat carbs - just not the bad starchy ones that he suggested. i eat lots of vegies, sometimes my entire meal consists of nothing but vegies. i eat whole fat cheeses and butter which he said is ok as well.
i can't eat fruit of any kind - the sugars just get me sick - but then again, they did prior to surgery - i haven't eaten more than 1/2 a banana at a time in years. i'm allergic to the citric acid in most fruits and the others - the sugars get me....i'd love a slice of watermelon but can't.
so, where does that leave me - eating under 1,200 cals per day and mostly green and yellow vegies, cheeses and fish/poultry/meat.
so what's a girl supposed to do? i guess i need to really fill up on vegies first and protien last at this point - then watch, the blood work will go south and he'll tell me start eating more meat and protien....can't win for loosing.
right now the blood work is great!! the health is great!! and now i got to start screwing with it....
he said he doesn't expect me to loose more than another 20 pounds - which would put me right at 200.
At this point, i really don't care what he says cause i have other doctors who i'm working with for my other medical conditions and they seem to be more interested than he....so again i ask, what's a girl supposed to do?
anyway, thanks for letting me vent....have a great day and a wonderful weekend - i'm out till next week - gonna go see my sweetie and kick back and relax....
Open RNY
"Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well."
Josh Billings

How much is too much protein, do you think? Did they say? I'm very curious! I just read somewhere (can't remember where!) that if you ingest too much protein that it *will store as fat?
I wasn't aware of that?!
((Take care))

Hey Beth,
well, it seems that i consume around 100 grams per day - he wants me at around 50 grams per day.....
my problem is that i'm limited to what i eat due to food allergies and intolerances so the majority of my diet has always been protien...i do eat carbs, the good ones and i eat whole fat foods instead of low fat which is recommended to me by other doctors.
he was telling me to eat potatoes (baked or fried), breads and pastas. i always thought you were to eat your protien first and then others stuff so that is what i do. now he wants to reverse it because i get too much protien.
i'm taking away my protien shakes and replacing them with breakfast bars...that is my main problem area as i have to have grab and go foods. bars don't hold me long and my protien shakes have always lasted till late afternoon. i'll have to consume two bars (they have less protien though) and that is what he wants.
so, i'm gonna give it a try. started last night - had my first eggplant fries ever and man where they good. like a french fry but made from eggplant - fewer carbs.
anyway, i'm trying to get down to 50 grams per day.....guess i'll be eating more vegi's.
oh well, btw you photo looks GREAT!!
Hmmm. . .
It's funny how the doc would suggest the exact opposite! Anyway - 100 G protein doesn't seem like *too much, but then again, I'm not a nutritionist/doctor.
According to the calculator here:
I should eat 114-149 G protein per day at my weight to *lose weight.
My surgeons' office said 50 was the goal to aim for each day, though. Vastly different!
TY about the pic - though, again, it's the wrong one!

Hi, we had surgery same day, same doctor...and how weird, but I too was at BTC for my one-year check up yesterday. My app't was at 9:45 am.
I'm sorry that Dr. K wasn't more supportive....I haven't had any problems with him at all...but sounds like you have very good specialists around you that completely understand your other health issues....
Not sure how you space your meals, but I eat every few hours for a total of about 5-6 meals per day....and I get in between 900-1400 calories per day...also my min. protein requirement is 75, which I typically go over each day....
Best wishes for continued succes...because although you haven't lost as much weight as you had hoped, you have LOST!!!
take care,