Graduation Day!
Hi there friends and family,
Hello All!
I went to the body analyst this morning for the 4th time to find out how much of what kind of weight I have lost thus far (fat loss vs. muscle loss) and how my loss has impacted my metabolism.
**drum roll**
There are 4 dates:
Preop 10/24/03
1st Postop 9/11/04
2nd Postop 12/17/04
3rd Postop 5/15/05
The results are as follows:
Weight - Preop: 388 (I had already started losing from my high of over 400lbs)
1st postop: 249
2nd Postop- 212
Today - 194 (I'm on a bit of a bounce since I started running - you'll understand soon why I'm not worried)
Total weight lost: 194 lbs (It's 206 when you include pre-op known high)
Fat Mass -
Preop: 184.7 lbs
1st Postop: 83.2 lbs
2nd Postop: 57.9lbs
Today: 39.8 lbs
Lean Mass -
Preop: 203.3 lbs
1st Postop: 165.8 lbs
2nd Postop: 154.1 lbs
Today: 154.2 lbs (Yes, read that correctly - I've managed to gain .1 lb of certified muscle since December - hence not being worried about my bouncing - I do believe that my running is the "culprit" of my weight gain)
Total Fat Lost - 144.9 lbs - 74.6.0% of loss
Total Lean lost - 49.1 lbs - 25.3 % of loss
True BMI -
Preop: 47.6% (Through electrical impedance testing. . .I was too boyant to do the underwater weighing successfully)
1st Postop: 33.4%
2nd Postop: 27.3%
Today: 20.5% This means that for women my age, I am in the 60th percentile - meaning that if 100 women aged 20-29 were together in a room that I have a better lean/fat ratio than 60 of the people in the room. It BOGGLES THE MIND! - I'm slightly above average . . .I'm not only well into the "normal" range - under 24.9%. . . but I'm getting into the athletic range. . . ! - also note that according to the chart, my BMI is 24.3 - I'm in better shape then the charts per Hydrostatic Weighing.
Basal Metabolic rate - note - this is MEASURED metabolic rate as tested through expired air testing for O2 consumption.
Preop: 2750 calories/day
1st Postop: 2433 calories/day
2nd Postop: 1981 calories/day
Today: 1887 calories/day - meaning that when I'm not doing ANY activity - I must get in almost 1900 calories just to maintain my weight. . .and when I'm doing my running - I need to get in even more. On my run days, I figure that I'm burning up to 2400 calories that I have to get in to maintain my girlish figure (NO WONDER I'm hungry all the damn time!) And the fact that I've lost fat, and gained muscle. . .says that I'm feeding myself nicely!
Goal Weight -
Preop: 261.0 lbs
1st Postop: 212.8 lbs
2nd Postop: 190 is an achieveable goal (top 50th percentile). 180 is an aggressive goal (top 70th percentile).
Today: He asked me - "You don't plan on losing any more do you?" I said, no - not really. He said - "You're done. You've done it!"
What does this all mean:
1. I achieved my goal of retaining the majority of my muscle mass. I did this by walking 30 minutes EVERY day, and beginning to find ways to make my life more active (THERE's NO stopping me now. . .especially once I get rid of this skin!)
2. My metabolism is still quite high. Since I can eat plenty these days, its not a big problem.
3. I have significantly reduced my risk factors for Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabeties, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, and MANY many more diseases and causes for early death.
4. I think I'll see him once more - after/if I achieve my goal of running a marathon next spring. It will be after plastics, and after significant training. . .we'll see where I end up at almost 2 years out.
Thank you to all who have supported me on my journey. This is a LONG road, and it makes all the difference having good friends and supporters cheering me on. It means more to me than I will ever be able to adequately express.
Lap RNY 4/1/04
400+/355/AT GOAL - DONE DONE DONESKI! Riding the Maintain Train!

That is just way too cool - the testing - and your results!
What kind of specialist does this testing?

He's a scientist at a local college - he is a PhD in human performance and Kinesology.
If you ask around there are people in most areas who can do this - it's just a matter of finding them. He worked primarily with High Performance athletes before we fatties found him. (Someone who had the surgery was dating a triathlete . . .and thought "Hmmm . . .I wonder if he'd be able to give me a goal weight?" ) Now he's actually running a study on us surgical patients, because he's so intrigued with how we lose, and what kind of weight we lose.
Thanks for the encouragement lady!