Nearing goal - looking for something to commemorate it... ? Image changes?

(deactivated member)
on 4/29/05 10:28 pm - South of Boston, MA
Ladies (& gents! ..) Seeing the "light at the end of the tunnel" these days? What are you going to do when you reach "goal" - to "commemorate" the occasion? Or - have you already done something special? I'd like to make a physical change to my body. Short of getting plastic surgery (which I am going to find a way SOMEHOW of coming up with the funds to pay for a abdominoplasty since I found out it "can be done"...) I thought about a tattoo - buuuut... I may very well have skin moving around. I also don't want to make a impulsive decision and be marked "for life" ya know? I'm thinking a piercing now - since they're totally removable. I'm a big girl now, and I don't have to worry about removing/hiding one for employment purposes - since I am mainly at home and will be for at least two more years... I need some sort of change. I'm getting contacts first off - keeping my glasses for night-use and when I'm too lazy to bother with the contacts, I look much different without "my eyes on" - which makes me feel better. I used to wear them all the time - but got lazy... I keep chopping my hair off - so I was thinking that maybe it's time to grow it BACK? Probably not just yet... but within another year I think I'll attempt growing it out a bit. Maybe it's time for a new color? I always color it various shades of brown. UGH. I need something new! Can you tell I'm frustrated with my frumpy-ness lately!?! So- what are YOU doing? Anything fun to change your appearance? Share! -Beth I gave up jogging because my thighs kept rubbing together and setting my pantyhose on fire. HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 140 GW- 130
Sue B
on 4/30/05 12:16 am - WI
Hello Beth When I hit my goal I did a few things just for ME I got a full hour massage, I got my hair colored (it is a reddish brown on the bottom) and had her put bright blond high-lights in the top. I also had her cut about 15 small layers in the bottom so it could be "Wild" if I wanted it to be ... I am having SO much fun with it! Now I have had my Reconstructive Surgery so that was a big Physical change for me. My husband also booked a Caribbean Cruise for us this November ... that was his present to me for reaching my goal & for my 1 year "Surgiversary" ... he said it is something we can share (since he has done SO much for me this year with all my surgeries he deserves it!). So I did some Physical, Mental & some Material things. I am told I am really still 15-25# away from the "Standard" chart weights for my height & build, but I don't care. My dr wanted to see me at 180, I wanted to be 170 and I am at 166 ... so I hope to see 160 as my final number & I am sure I will celebrate that also any reason to celebrate is good for me! Just found out yesterday I am in a size 12! No wonder my 16's felt so funny. Sue 318/166/passed goal PS - I saved $10 a week in a "Add-On" C.D. to save the $ for my surgery ... I could put the $ in but couldn't take it out & it had a good % rate on it, you may want to check that option out - my bank had a $500 opening amount.
(deactivated member)
on 4/30/05 12:31 am - MA
Lots of good ideas- thank you! Good idea regarding the CD - I wish I had considered this about a year ago, but truthfully I thought maybe I'd be able to get around plastics. Beth -158 lbs, 10 to goal! Updates here:
on 4/30/05 4:13 am - Laguna Niguel, CA
RNY on 04/27/04 with
Howdy Beth I imagine I will lose my last two pounds over the next few weeks. My marathon is May 30. So I am commemorating goal by doing something I totally could not have done 95lbs ago!
on 4/30/05 6:18 am - Palm Springs, CA
You just get more beautiful every day. Hope there's some event coming up where we can get together. I just quit my job so maybe I'll have time now. Good job, Rachel. Ruth
Tina MR
on 5/2/05 6:41 am - Ruidoso Downs, NM
Hi Beth....I'm still struggling to reach my century club mark but I hope to get there soon. Depressing sometimes but I did do something for my one year anniversary. I went to a cosmetologist and had permanent eye liner done. I absolutely LOVE IT!!! I bet you would too! Your eyes are so pretty anyway and what she did was what she called a lash enhancement on the top and a thin liner on the bottom. No more smears!!! Didn't hurt like I thought it would either. Think about it! tina
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/05 8:46 am - South of Boston, MA
Oh Tina - that's wicked cool!! Is it a tattoo? What color - black? Brown? Hmmm... -beth
Tina MR
on 5/2/05 9:00 am - Ruidoso Downs, NM
I did black....and yes it's kind of like a tattoo but it will fade after 10 years or so or that's what they say. But it's really cool and looks very natural and no one even notices except me of course because I don't have raccoon eyes at the end of the day!!! Tina
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