Bad eating..
I dont know what I have been thinking lately, but I have been eating crap like I did a year ago. For instance, this morning I had a Krispy Kreme donut and now Im drinking crystal light with Isopure for the protien. I have just been making some really bad and stupid food choices. Eating a lot of pasta, cookies, soda once in a while. I have been at goal for 3 months now and I guess in the back of my mind, I keep thinking that I will be okay as long as i dont eat a ton of it right? I know I shouldnt be eating any of it at all. I read your posts about how your all eat so great, lunches are so healthy. Mine consist of a frozen entree from WW or Lean Cuisine. Dinners are usually either bbq steak or grilled chicken breast and veggies. I guess my breakfast and lunches arent so good. Typical breakfast is cereal. I eat either grapenuts or the new one from Kellogg for kids, Tiger Power. Has about 7 grams of protein per serving. I just cant seem to get myself to make better meals. I love being able to wear a size 6 and weigh only 138. I just need a good a** kicking!!!
I'm no angel either. . . .but I try hard, and I know that I'm making better choices overall now than I ever did before. I haven't eaten a Krispy Kreme yet (I hope I don't) but if I do. . .I know that I would have eaten 2-4 of them. That's not something I do anymore.
I'm not trying to justify anything to you. And to be honest, I've become rather harsh about it when I see people who are enjoying a sugary treat that I would enjoy dreaming about enjoying. . . .and if they are obese my thought is "They are choosing that body, by choosing that food." I never thought about it that way before. It's not that I'm not sympathetic to the plight of the obese - I remember well what it felt like. . .I've just grown unable to accept a lack of accountabiltity for one's actions regarding - food ingested equaling the body type one has.
There are some people who have a blessed metabolism that allows them to eat whatever crap they throw down their gullet. I am not one of those people. Evolution favored people who could retain weight for times of famine. . .I am one of those. I own that. So when I see someone enjoying a "treat" that I "wish" I could have. . .I remember that this new body of mine is a choice. And that I can eat anything I want - I just have to be prepared to pay the price.
I guess what I'm saying is - I eat easy mac, and I eat frozen entrees, and last night I slept in a carb coma for 2 hours in the evening from some delicious raviolis I had at dinner - but I'm doing better than I ever have in my life - and I take it one day at a time. I'm not gonna kick your a$$ but I'll hold your hand.
I know it is tough and I'm not sure I am the one to talk since I am still struggling to reach goal, but what I want to say is simple...
I chose this surgery to be normal and being normal includes enjoying an occasional sugary treat and pasta. Mind you I am like Lara I don't think I will ever be one of those who can't think about every bit of food I put into my body wants to keep every calorie. However, if I do indulge I will pay my penitence with extra walking or aerobics.
So if you are going to make those questionable choices keep an eye on the scale...remember never let yourself gain more than 5lbs...and pay the price if necessary with extra exercise.
I certainly haven't been perfect. (Maybe thats why I haven't hit goal yet). I try to eat a healthy, balanced, diet. I stick to it for the most part. But I'm not above eating pasta or a donut or a cookie every now and then. I do hit the gym pretty often, and my eating habits aren't nearly as bad as they were before surgery, but I do cheat at times. It scares me when I do. And then I just have to tell myself that I have to get back on track.
I treat my eating as an addiction. If I "fall off the wagon", I just try to jump back on instead of beating myself up over it.
Hang in there!
Thanks for the encouranging words. It helps to know Im not the only one indulging in crap food. lol I did do much better yesterday. I was PMSing last week, so I think that had a lot to do with a lot of my snacking attacks. But the choices are mine what I stick in my mouth and I need to be more aware of what those bad foods could end up doing if Im not careful!!
I have an appointment on the 2nd of May to see the plastic surgeon. Luckily I dont have a lot of extra skin, but my poor boobs could use a lot of help!! I hope they will fix me up!!