Hi it's SUE I am alive!
I am here - Kinda!
I cannot use my arms much so I cannot type much (it hurts to) so I just thought I would drop in & let you know everything went well - I am healing well & I will post all that happened as soon as my arms work a little better.
My incisions are smaller then expected - my arm & breast pain are less then expected (legs are another story!)- I have pics & hope to be able top get my hubby to get them up by the weekend.
Thank you all for the e-mails & supprot - you have been AWESOME!
I would do the arm & breast lift again in a heartbeat - Lipo HELL NO!
(even lost a pound this week!)
I've been here praying that all was well! Glad to read that you're doing ok.
So lipo hurts like a MoFo? Great. . . . I have my plastics consult on may 5th. I'm getting scared. Even if I know I won't likely be having them until December. . .it's still getting more real that I'm going to have them at all.
I'm so happy for you that you're doing well. Congratulations - I hope it all looks and feels like you hoped it would.
Gentle hugs,
MOFO ... YES - I don't think I will have anything Lipoed ever again!
I do have my Pictures up - the before, 1 day & 1 week shots (taken today) if you want to look at them. go to: www.picturetrail.com/suzyb03
They are in the Reconstructive book & the password is : Transformation
I am feeling excellent - glad to be able to use the computer again my arms are tired though & itchy ... along with my breasts. Just glad my legs don't "Kill" today - they just are sore & bruised.