Belated Beth Un-Birthday!
Happy belated one-year to ME!
(this is from my update email...)
What a ride this has been so far! If you had asked me 364 (err, edit 366) days ago, while I was sitting in the hotel the night before surgery, having my last "supper" so to speak, if I thought I'd be sitting here in a size 8 - I'd have LAUGHED in your face! No, really, I would have! I've surpassed what I thought was possible - and I'm not even done yet. The surgeons' & docs told me to expect to lose 65%-80% of the excess weight I was carrying. They told me that it would be likely to hit those percentages and then maintain or possibly have a bounce-back regain. Here I sit at 95% excess lost, with 5% to go.
Now, we all know that it's not a cure - this is something I will always have to be aware of, gaining weight is so easy!
Anyways - now that I'm in the "home stretch" so to speak - and the window of opportunity for losing weight is likely to end soon, I'm working on trying to get off a few more pounds. It's been extremely difficult and slow going these past three months. I think I may be as low pound-wise as I can get right now. I also may have several pounds of excess skin (eww eww eww, I know, just put on one of those makeover shows or Discovery Health channel, you'll get it) So - perhaps after plastic surgery - I'll be at my medically "ideal" weight for height. I'm looking to get an abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, thigh lift, and BOOBS! Of course, my lovely insurance company will be the one to decide this at this point in time. I go for a consult on April 28th.
Anywho- the stats-
One year ago - 298 lbs
Size 26/28 or 3X
Today- 144 lbs
Size 8/10 or Medium
Loss of 154 lbs, and many many inches, I wish I had measured pre-op, but I know my hips pushed 60" at one point
Goal is 130 lbs, I'm 5'5" - and the "ideal body weight" is 128 lbs for my height, I just rounded it up. The "healthy weight range" is 114-151 lbs. The average weight for an American woman my age and height is 147 lbs - so I'm perfectly "average" right about now. That's pretty cool on it's own. Some have told me that 130 is too small, BUT... I don't look small now, and 130 will probably only happen with removal of excess skin and tissue, so I won't really look any different than I do right now. Can you tell I'm excited to get plastics? I'm scared - too, but I know it's probably a long ways off.
Okay - I've had entirely too much coffee - babbling on and on here. I promise you won't get another one of "these" emails for at least six months. Hee-hee. Oh, and in about five weeks when you get Bob's update email.
Thanks, EVERYONE for your support - laughs - and stupid human tricks with skin! Oh - and, YES, if I had to do it all again, damn straight I would!
Me linkages:
There is no point at which you can say,
"Well, I'm successful now. I might as well take a nap."
HW- 313+ SW- 298 CW- 144 GWR- 114-151
A very merry unbirthday to me - to me!
-169 lbs, 14 to goal...

You're such an inspiration, and you're doing so incredibly well. You are so good at energizing conversation and keeping the ball rolling, for that I am incredibly grateful.
Congrats on your Plastics consult. I have one in May.
I'm so proud of you and for you. You're awesome lady.