I don't want to sound like a broken record ... but I am SO NERVOUS for my surgery! My Plastics are scheduled for 6:30am on Tuesday morning .... I am having an Upper Arm Lift, BL, and Lipo on my hips ... I don't remember being this nervous before my WLS.
I don't know what to do with myself ... I have been eating like a pig for the past week now ... of course my "friend" is due the day after surgery so that doesn't help either ... My house has never been cleaner & more organized ... I wish we were having company so someone besides me & my husband could enjoy it! I just don't know what to do with myself for the next 24 hours!
I just want to thank everyone for their support ~ I love the April Board! you guys rock! I will keep you updated & hopefully have pictures of my recovery to share.
OT: Found out that the insurance for sure has denied my PS so I am glad I didn't wait for approval & decided instead to go ahead & be self-pay.
How exciting!

You're probably more nervous for this part because it's more physical- y'know? Being more laid up and having to take it easy. What are the limitations on the arm lift anyway? I'm curious. How long do you have to remain non-mobile? I know the boobs and lipo are pretty easily recovered from--- it's just the arms--- cuz they're part of your body that you use so much!
There is no point at which you can say,
"Well, I'm successful now. I might as well take a nap."

****BIG HUGS****
Its going to be ok sweet heart, you're going to do just fine. I'll be following in your footsteps hopefully in December - so take good notes and hook a sister up when I start having my freak out.
I'm so glad that you've nested your way into a clean house - that's going to be very convenient when you can't reach over your head to clean up much for the next few weeks.
Just keep your eyes on the prize, and remember that even with the pain and the initial swelling - in a couple-few weeks you're going to have the kind of body you've been dreaming of!
I can't wait to join you, and please keep us posted.
Praying for you,