One Year for Me, Too!
One year ago today, I took a leap of faith. I wrote a check for half of all we had, hoping to regain my life. Today, I have so many options available to me that I am paralyzed by possibility. Today I choose life.
One year ago today, I was planning to live the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Today I celebrate the action I took to support my hope that would not be so. I had finally found a doctor willing to go the extra mile - to right that which had been done wrong to my spine. To prepare, I needed to lose as much weight as possible in six months. I wanted, needed, and deserved WLS.
One year ago, all I wanted was to be able to walk again. Today, I want to run. Today I want to swim. Today I want to dance. Today I walk without pain.
One year ago today.
Melting Mama *
Success is how high you bounce
when you hit bottom.