Bad Day...really...
ok, warning...I am going to complain....Sunday I was doing some yard work with my neighbor...nothing too rough. I bent over and WHAM, there was electricity running though my body, my legs wouldn't move and for a short time I couldn't catch my breath....
I finally managed to sit on my neighbors step...after a few minutes, I attempted to walk home...geez, my legs wouldn't even hold my weight...
Yesterday had a doc app' PCP believes I slipped a painkillers and muscle relaxers for me. I am upset about the injury, upset about lost time at work...the doc wants me to be off for 5 boss is letting me work from home, but geez, with the drugs I am not really worth much,...I did about 7 hours today only because I didn't take a pain pill.
Rather ironic, when I was heavy I never had a back issue...had my first episode last May, a few weeks after surgery....
I am now using up leave that I was saving for my TT....I mentioned to my PCP that perhaps it is my big roll of flabby skin on my stomach causing back issues...he doesn't believe that is the issue.
I had an MRI last night so hopefully by tomorrow morning we will know something....
ok, I am done whinning now...