Upset again!
I just got off the phone with my regular doctors office. They will not see me and referred me back to my surgeon.
Who's office goes straight to voice mail. Which states please leave a message and we will return your call by the end of the day! They NEVER return a phone call!
I am sick AGIAN and in pain!
I am out of pain pills. I am so frustrated with doctors right now.
I am frustrated with being in pain all the time! I wish they could help me! Sorry to vent! No one that has not been through this surgery understands! Trina

I finally got through and got attitude! Well what did you do to cause the pain?! I had to hold my breath! I get to see the nurse prac. tomorrow. I am not going to leave their office until I get some kind of answer! She also tells me that the nurse prac. quit and tomorrow is her last day. So is she going to really be interested in my case? Thanks for the support guys!