Post your food journals here, please!
Coffee - a lot!
Melting Mama *
Someday I'll fly, someday I'll soar, someday I'll be so much more
than my body gives me credit for.
Why is it not my time? What is there more to learn?
Shed this skin I've been tripping in, never to quite return...
-J. Mayer
HW- 313+ SW- 298 CW- 146 GWR- 114-151
*New pix on profile, journal & album - 28-Mar-2005*

Today started out crappy.
B - Protein shake, 1 cup coffee w/sf creamer
S - popcorn & a banana
L - lo mein
S - NOTHING if I can resist.
D - ????
I walked 30 min. this am with doggy dear. Temps are finally in the low 50's upper 40's!!! Heat wave!
All the walking this weekend is the only thing that saved me from the evil scale this morning.
I had a snack. Major bad choice. 2 bags of ritz bitz crackers w/cheese. Little small bags from vending machine. God, I hate stress. Still waiting to hear about SO's job...they were going to wait to call references if they decided they wanted him and he found out today that they called his ref. (doc friend), so now he's calling me every 1/2 hr at work to call home and check our answering machine. He should do it himself, but he's afraid he'll accidently delete the messages.
Anyway..... I still have to get in 2 servings of water then I'm done for the day. I'll drink more, but I always count until I hit 64 oz.
Protein shake for dinner tonight.
ALERT! ALERT! The entity known to kids everywhere as "The Easter Bunny" is really Satan in disguise. DO NOT fall victim to him sweet, fuzzy charm, as he is only attempting to engorge you with ooey gooey goodness and marshmallow fluff.....yummmmmm...flllllluuuuuuufffff (Homer drool)
Sad to say, I have had 3 peanut butter eggs and 4 malted milk balls since Friday night. Not too bad, considering, I guess, but still a no-no....sigh
So...I need to be good. I am still at 164..have not returned to the high numbers of a few days ago...whew!!!
Coffee coffee coffee..did I mention Coffee????????
Chicken with cheese and hot last chicken piece!!! What am I going to do for lunch?!?!?!
Clueless, since I am out of chicken....
See above
OK..trying to be good today..and tomorrow..and so on...and so on..and so on...ACK Breck Shampoo flashback!!! (anyone remember that stupid commercial?)
Crap...add one more peanut butter egg and 4 jeally beans to the bad column...I did have a iced coffee with protein, tho, and an egg..deviled, but still not bad...I made them myself, so I know that they were made w/FF mayo and other good things....sigh...
Off to beat myself with a wet noodle...oooo...noooooddddlllleeeesss
NoNO!! I will not eat the noodle! I will not eat it! I will try not to eat it! Oh heck..I'm gonna eat know I will! LMAO
I was very good candy, no non-approved food...whew! I am at work today...not supposed to be...I scheduled to have the day appointments this afternoon, but everyone called in sick. I told the boss I would cover until noon, but I have to leave to make my first appointment at 1:30. So all that cooking and packaging has already paid off. I got the call and just grabbed containers with breakfast and lunch then hit the door at a dead run.
B = Carb Control, berry flavored...yum
L = 3/4c Hamburger gravy
D = 4oz baked fish with mixed veggies
S = Power Crunch Bar
Started on my water...20oz down...started 16.9oz...on target for the day.