Wanting a NEW me!
I have been doing all the normal things since WLS. Buying new clothes and answering all the questions to come up! I want a new me! I don't want the daily questions. I don't want to be the girl in the office that had THAT surgery and took the EASY way out! I am actually thinking about gettting a transfer to another school site to get away from it. When do we get to just be normal again? Anyone else feel like this?

I took the easy way and just didn't tell anyone at work...they all think I lost weight through exercise and diet (my boss is the only one that knows and he ain't talking). Unfortunately, I didn't lose as quickly as I hoped so all they have seen is a steady downward spiral...some wonder, but I had already established the kind of office persona that doesn't allow personal questions.
Lucky me,

There has been NOTHING easy about this surgery! I have lost over 12 weeks of work since my surgery. We are a pretty thight knit place. I did not ever try to hide that fact that I was having it. A few here have been to embarrased to tell anyone, but I wasn't. It was something that was going to change me life! They have all covered me giving me their unused sick time and making meals for my family. I just want 1 day that they are not asking what's next. I have had so many complictions that they are worried. They are my friends and I really do thank them for their support. I am the receptionist for a high school with 2600 kids. I deal with them and their parents all day. They all have quetions. I guess I just want to start somewhere where not everyone has a question. Thanks for your response! Trina