OT- The Ultimate YOU Survey Part 1
To drive you absolutely NUTS- surveys run amuck!
Things to Know about _____________ (You)
*Birth date:
*Your zodiac sign:
*Eye color:
*Hair color:
*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous:
*Favorite TV shows:
*Favorite movie you have seen:
*Favorite board game:
*Favorite magazine:
*Favorite food:
*Least favorite food:
*Favorite ice cream:
*Favorite kind of perfume/cologne:
*Favorite subject in school:
*Least favorite:
*Favorite thing to drink:
*Favorite CDs:
*Favorite thing to do on the weekend:
*Best advice:
*Your favorite artist/group:
*Your favorite holiday:
*What's your favorite color?
*Favorite shampoo/conditioner:
*Person/s that know you the best:
*Loudest person that you know:
*Craziest/silliest/wierd person that you know:
*Favorite friends to hang with:
*If you could meet one person in the world, it would be:
*If you could meet any dead person, it would be:
*The Nicest Guy you've ever met:
*The Nicest Girl you've ever met:
*Who's the person you admire most:
*What do you feel about the Ouija board:
*Do you believe in yourself:
*Worst feeling in the world:
*Do you have motion sickness:
*Are you for world Peace:
*What religion are you:
*One thing you want to change about yourself:
*Are you a health freak:
*If you could go out with anyone in the world, who:
*For Girls- like guys with or without hats:
*For guys- Like girls with or without nail polish:
*When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice:
*Who was your first crush:
*Have you ever been in love:
*What do you remember most about this year:
*Memory (thing) you miss the most: I
*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning:
*Were you "cool" 5 years ago? 10 years ago? In high school?:
*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time:
*If you could go back in time would you:
*What would you change:
*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years:
*Future Sons names:
*Future Daughters names:
*If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be:
*What is your dream car/truck:
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:
*What do you wear to bed:
*On a scale from 1-10 (1 lowest) how romantic are you:
*If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be:
*Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie: ( I think this is really more than we really need to know about each other don't you)
*Any piercings....where:
*What's on your walls in your room:
*What type of deodorant do you use:
*Have you ever been skinny-dipping:
*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys:
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime:
*What's on your mouse pad:
*How many rings before you answer the phone:
*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog:
*Is the glass half empty or half full:
*Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork:
*Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling:
*Would you rather give or receive:
*How many homes have you lived in:
*How many schools have you went to:
*Words or phrases you overuse:
*Chocolate or vanilla cake:
*Drinks, with or without ice cube:
*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery:
*Favorite commercial:
*Favorite cereal:
*Something you'd like to try:
*What would you do on a first date:
*Any hobbies:
*Most used website links:
*Favorite website:

Things to Know about TINA!
*Birth date: 2/15/74
*Age: 31
*Location: Born in WI
*Your zodiac sign: aquarias
*Email: [email protected]
*Height: 5'3"
*Weight 193
*Eye color: hazel
*Hair color: brown
*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: righty for writing, otherwise ambi!
*Favorite TV shows: Changing Rooms, Clean Sweep, Designed to Sell
*Favorite movie you have seen: Braveheart
*Favorite board game: Risk (I always win!!)
*Favorite magazine: Woman's Day
*Favorite food: salmon (post-op!)
*Least favorite food: spinach
*Favorite ice cream: cookie dough (pre-op!) haven't had one I can handle as a post-op!
*Favorite kind of perfume/cologne: Mary Kay's Elige
*Favorite subject in school: Art
*Least favorite: Math
*Favorite thing to drink: Crystal Lite Ruby Red Grapefruit
*Favorite CDs: John Mayer (any!), Mark Knopfler - Shangri La
*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Sleep!
*Best advice: Fake it 'til you make it.
*Your favorite artist/group: See fav cd's!
*Your favorite holiday: my birthday
*What's your favorite color? don't have one!
*Favorite shampoo/conditioner: whatever is on sale!!
*Person/s that know you the best: myself
*Loudest person that you know: myself
*Craziest/silliest/wierd person that you know: myself
*Favorite friends to hang with: my kids & SO
*If you could meet one person in the world, it would be: my SO's mom
*If you could meet any dead person, it would be: my SO's mom
*The Nicest Guy you've ever met: my son
*The Nicest Girl you've ever met: my grandma
*Who's the person you admire most: my son
*What do you feel about the Ouija board: scares the sh** outta me!
*Do you believe in yourself: more everyday!
*Worst feeling in the world: being alone
*Do you have motion sickness: nope
*Are you for world Peace: sure
*What religion are you: catholic
*One thing you want to change about yourself: my need to take care of others
*Are you a health freak: umm, noooooooo
*Married/Divorced/Separated/Single?: single in a relationship, better be married soon.
*If you could go out with anyone in the world, who: don't know
*For Girls- like guys with or without hats: either
*For guys- Like girls with or without nail polish:
*When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice: their eyes
*Who was your first crush: ralph macchio (karate kid!)
*Have you ever been in love: yes
*What do you remember most about this year: my surgery day!
*Memory (thing) you miss the most: the way my grandma smelled.
*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: I'm finally warm.
*Were you "cool" 5 years ago? 10 years ago? In high school?: NEVER!
*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time: nope, my history sucked.
*If you could go back in time would you: no
*What would you change: nothing
*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years: married with grandkids!
*Future Sons names: better not be any!!!
*Future Daughters names: ditto!
*If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: dog trainer/groomer/boarder
*What is your dream car/truck: hyundai santa fe
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
*What do you wear to bed: t-shirt and sweat pants and shirt, socks, unders.
*On a scale from 1-10 (1 lowest) how romantic are you: 8.5
*If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: smiley face with tongue sticking out! lower back/upper buttocks.
*Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie: ( I think this is really more than we really need to know about each other don't you) innie
*Any piercings....where: ears
*What's on your walls in your room: photo's I took of trees and clouds on our vacation a couple years ago.
*What type of deodorant do you use: dove
*Have you ever been skinny-dipping: nope! but i plan on it!
*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: absolutely!
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: no
*What's on your mouse pad: the mouse!
*How many rings before you answer the phone: 2
*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: no
*Is the glass half empty or half full: depends on whats in it!
*Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork: usually fork
*Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: jell-o!!
*Would you rather give or receive: give
*How many homes have you lived in: oh lordy! since birth??? farrrr too many!
*How many schools have you went to: 6
*Words or phrases you overuse: relax
*Chocolate or vanilla cake: chocolate
*Drinks, with or without ice cube: with!
*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery: pay off my student loan and car!
*Favorite commercial:a local health insurance commercial where this cute kid says "i think i ate some baaaaddd chicken!"
*Favorite cereal: kix
*Something you'd like to try: floating in sal****er
*What would you do on a first date: mini golf or bowling
*Any hobbies: reading, decorating, quilting, working with my dog
*Most used website links: O.H., furkids, ebay
*Favorite website: ebay - I'm addicted.
Things to Know about _____________ (You)
*Birth date: 1-Dec-1978
*Age: 26
*Location: State of confusion
*Your zodiac sign: Saggitarius
*Email- [email protected], [email protected]
*Height- 5 ft 5 inches
*Weight- 147
*Eye color: blue/yellow
*Hair color: brown
*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: righty tighty
*Favorite TV shows: AI, House, MAD TV, SNL, Top 20 Countdown VH1, Best Week Ever, National Geographic Explorer
*Favorite movie you have seen: Willy Wonka, Alice In Wonderland (the human version with Carol Channing... on TV years ago), The Color Purple. Sarafina, The Notebook, Wizard of Oz, The Man in the Moon, Toy Story...
*Favorite board game: Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Balderdash, though I haven't played in years
*Favorite magazine: US Weekly, People, Cosmo, Fit, Low Carb Living, Mothering...
*Favorite food: Cheese
*Least favorite food: Eggs, seafood, many meats...
*Favorite ice cream: KETOs It's a Nutty World Low Carb/Sugar Free (no longer in production)
*Favorite kind of perfume/cologne: Victorias' Secrets' Very Sexy, or warm vanilla or powdery scents...
*Favorite subject in school: All the non-essentials!
*Least favorite: Algebra
*Favorite thing to drink: Crystal Light Orange, Diet Iced Tea, Iced Coffee with Espresso...
*Favorite CDs: John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band, though I hardly use CDs at all...
*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Relax, if possible. Get my nails "done". Go out for a cup of coffee. Get out of the house.
*Best advice: "Be who you are and say what you feel. Those who matter won't mind, and those who mind won't matter." Dr. Seuss
*Your favorite artist/group: Dave Matthews Band
*Your favorite holiday: ???
*What's your favorite color? Magenta
*Favorite shampoo/conditioner: Biolage, but I rarely buy it, it's expensive
*Person/s that know you the best: Bob & kids
*Loudest person that you know: SELF
*Craziest/silliest/wierd person that you know: SELF
*Favorite friends to hang with: Y'all if you were closer!
*If you could meet one person in the world, it would be: Dubya? I dunno. The Pope? HA!
*If you could meet any dead person, it would be: Mother Teresa? I dunno.
*The Nicest Guy you've ever met: Steve
*The Nicest Girl you've ever met: Girls are mean.
*Who's the person you admire most: ?
*What do you feel about the Ouija board: Creepy. But someone always pushes it.
*Do you believe in yourself: I feel a song comin' on...
*Worst feeling in the world: Feeling out of control in a situation you could have prevented.
*Do you have motion sickness: Yep.
*Are you for world Peace: Visualize Whirled Peas!
*What religion are you:
Main Entry: [1]ag·nos·tic
Pronunciation: ag-'näs-tik, &g-
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek agnOstos unknown, unknowable, from a- + gnOstos known, from gignOskein to know --more at KNOW
Date: 1869
: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and prob. unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
Main Entry: athe·ist
Pronunciation: 'A-thE-ist
Function: noun
Date: 1571
: one who denies the existence of God
- athe·is·tic /"A-thE-'is-tik/ or athe.is.ti.cal adjective
- athe·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
*One thing you want to change about yourself: The skin I'm in.
*Are you a health freak: At the present moment, I'd say so.
*Married/Divorced/Separated/Single?: Married
*If you could go out with anyone in the world, who: A really old guy with a bad ticker and wads of cash a la Anna Nicole style. Bob would not mind. $$$
*For guys- Like girls with or without nail polish: They say you can tell everything about a girl from the condition of her fingernails.
*When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice: Eyes.
*Who was your first crush: Ryan?
*Have you ever been in love: Yep.
*What do you remember most about this year: Losing more than half of myself.
*Memory (thing) you miss the most: Penuche Fudge.
*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: Where's the snow? Is there school? Do Juliana's eyes look sick still?
*Were you "cool" 5 years ago? 10 years ago? In high school?: Five years ago? Eh. I was doing the same old same old. 10 years ago, I was pretty neat, that was in high school... end of senior year?
*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time: Not so much.
*If you could go back in time would you: Probably. But I'd make trouble.
*What would you change: Loaded question.
*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years: 36 years old. Three growing kids, aged 17, 16, 13. Working full-time, doing something measurably worthwhile. Still married, maybe still in this particular house, having built on to it. Perhaps not working full time, perhaps mooching off of the DH whom could very well be a financial mogul at a banking institution driving his leased Lexus?
Hey, we're doing it now, just no Lexus, a Toyota and a mini-van. :-x LOL
*Future Sons names: BITE YOUR TONGUE
*Future Daughters names: DRAW BLOOD ON THAT TONGUE
*If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Any?! ::perk:: I don't know, actually. I've got this urge to do something medical.
*What is your dream car/truck: I'd like a gas guzzling SUV again.
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Not anymore. ::sigh:: He's more like a deflated bear.
*What do you wear to bed: "You're never fully dressed without a smile." LMAO. No, really, usually pajama pants and a tee-shirt that's too big... I recycle old clothing that doesn't fit well enough to wear in public into my "nighttime" clothes.
*On a scale from 1-10 (1 lowest) how romantic are you: 11 HA!
*If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I probably won't get one. Unless I am certain I could have a removal if necessary.
*Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie: ( I think this is really more than we really need to know about each other don't you) My poor belly. ::sigh:: Innie.
*Any piercings....where: 3, two left ear one right? I hope I got that right!
*What's on your walls in your room: Not a thing right now.
*What type of deodorant do you use: Whatevers' on sale... baby powder scented
*Have you ever been skinny-dipping: Do I have to answer this? Actually, no I haven't! GOD! The horror!
*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes indeedly do! The quick red fox jumped over the lazy dog.
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Escaped conviction!!
*What's on your mouse pad: Citizens Bank
*How many rings before you answer the phone: I never answer the phone. Unless I know who is calling. I utilize voicemail and call back who I want to call back. ::winks::
*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: Sure.
*Is the glass half empty or half full: Half-full, but I want more.
*Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork: No chicken, please.
*Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: Sugar-free Jello made with carbonated water. FIZZLES.
*Would you rather give or receive: Receive, early and often.
*How many homes have you lived in: 7. Wow.
*How many schools have you went to: 5
*Words or phrases you overuse: BIZARRE. Bite me. "Stop" "I'm not fighting with you today Caileigh" "Just stop it."
*Chocolate or vanilla cake: Neither.
*Drinks, with or without ice cube: Blended, with ice.
*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery: Build new construction. Set up college funds.
*Favorite commercial: "Ya put the lime in the Coke and you drink it all up"
*Favorite cereal: Hi-Lo with Strawberries (protein) but if I weren't restricted, it was all about Fruity Pebbles.
*Something you'd like to try: Breast implants.
*What would you do on a first date: Roller skating!? LOL
*Any hobbies: I need some.
*Most used website links: www.google.com ... www.obesityhelp.com ... www.fitday.com www.meltingmama.blogspot.com/ ...
*Favorite website: www.meltingmama.blogspot.com/ ...
*Useless link for fun: http://www.quotegarden.com/ ... http://sites.gizoogle.com/?url=http://www.meltingmama.blogspot.com/ ...
Someday I'll fly, someday I'll soar,
someday I'll be so much more than my body gives me credit for.
Why is it not my time? What is there more to learn?
Shed this skin I've been tripping in, never to quite return...
-J. Mayer
Melting Mama Blog
ObesityHelp Member Profile
HW- 313+ SW- 298 CW- 147 GWR- 114-151

*Birth date: 8/28/1962
*Age: 42 Yuck! I hate saying that.
*Location: Pennsylvania
*Your zodiac sign: VIRGIN
*Email: [email protected]
*Height: 5'1"
*Weight Today 179lbs
*Eye color: Blue
*Hair color: Red Auburn
*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: Righty
*Favorite TV shows: CSI, Charmed, Angel, Buffy before they were axed. I like Survivor, One Tree Hill (show is based in North Carolina) Wish I were there.
*Favorite movie you have seen: Somewhere In Time, The Princess Bride
*Favorite board game: Don't really play much but I do like Monopoly
*Favorite magazine: never buy magz
*Favorite food: Used to be Chi Chi's Taco Salads but they closed it down. Now its for the moment lasagna Could change tomorrow
*Least favorite food: Brocolli YUCK!
*Favorite ice cream:Ben & Jerry's Phish Food before surgery. Now I just never eat it. On occasion I'll eat a spoon or two of soft serve
*Favorite kind of perfume/cologne: Can't wear it. Hubby is allergic
*Favorite subject in school: None of them LOL! Well study hall
*Least favorite: Every single one of them. NOt a good student here.
*Favorite thing to drink: Diet Coke
*Favorite CDs: Shania Twain's any of them
*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Shop
*Best advice: Give no advice it only bites you in the as* because people truly don't won't to hear it even though they ask for it.
*Your favorite artist/group: AC/DC,
*Your favorite holiday: Christmas
*What's your favorite color? Green and purple
*Favorite shampoo/conditioner: Really don't have a fav I use the cheapest
*Person/s that know you the best: My mother
*Loudest person that you know: Myself LOL!
*Craziest/silliest/wierd person that you know: Ummm now that would have to be the chick at work
*Favorite friends to hang with: My buddy Janie
*If you could meet one person in the world, it would be: Donald Trump
*If you could meet any dead person, it would be: Benjamin Franklin
*The Nicest Guy you've ever met: Don't know to many nice guys
*The Nicest Girl you've ever met: Don't know to many nice girls either LOL!
*Who's the person you admire most: The President- Whomever that may be at the time. Love them or hate them they are the leader of our country.
*What do you feel about the Ouija board: I believe in God which means I believe there are demons and I don't wish to let evil in.
*Do you believe in yourself: Absolutely
*Worst feeling in the world: Unworthiness
*Do you have motion sickness: Vertigo majorly
*Are you for world Peace: Not sure it's possible
*What religion are you: Baptist
*One thing you want to change about yourself: My entire body
*Are you a health freak: LOL that is a joke right?
*Married/Divorced/Separated/Single?: Married
*If you could go out with anyone in the world, who: Matthew McConaughey or Colin Ferrell or Adrian Paul (the highlander)
*For Girls- like guys with or without hats: don't care for hats unless they are cowboy hats
*For guys- Like girls with or without nail polish:
*When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice: eyes
*Who was your first crush: Well the 2nd grade I actually liked this kid name Sam
*Have you ever been in love: Yes
*What do you remember most about this year: My Bypass Surgery and My Gall Bladder surgery.
*Memory (thing) you miss the most: I miss chocolate
*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: Oh ****! I'm late for work.
*Were you "cool" 5 years ago? 10 years ago? In high school?: Not really. I wasn't the nerd nor was I a geek. I was just one of the average everday kid
*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time: sometimes
*If you could go back in time would you:Not get fat after having my baby
*What would you change: I'd probably be single even though I do love my husband.
*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years: Geez! I'll be 52 I'm not sure what's up that far.
*Future Sons names: Eggs are dried up I'm 42 or they better be.
*Future Daughters names:See above anwser
*If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Professional Retiree
*What is your dream car/truck: Nothing fantastic for me I'm satisfied with my Stratus
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No unless you count my husband as a stuffed animal.
*What do you wear to bed: nothing
*On a scale from 1-10 (1 lowest) how romantic are you: 0
*If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: Don't like em
*Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie: ( I think this is really more than we really need to know about each other don't you) normal ugly belly button
*Any piercings....where: Nope not into pain
*What's on your walls in your room: dust
*What type of deodorant do you use: Secret
*Have you ever been skinny-dipping: Nope
*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Absolutely I make a living doing it.
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope
*What's on your mouse pad: Lol, I really hate to admit this but I have a mouse pad my hubby past on to me from an outdoor show which is a Mossy Oak Gras Brand Camo given to him for free.
*How many rings before you answer the phone: Usually 4 because I'm never near the phone
*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: When I was about 4 or 5
*Is the glass half empty or half full: It's full when its got diet coke in it
*Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork: I'm from the south so definitely a finger licker
*Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: neither I hate getting dirty
*Would you rather give or receive: Lol, I'm thinking dirty here but I gather thats not what you mean. OHHH i'd rather give a gift than receive one.
*How many homes have you lived in:
*How many schools have you went to: nine
*Words or phrases you overuse: The F word unfortunately
*Chocolate or vanilla cake: CHOCOLATE RULES
*Drinks, with or without ice cube: Hate Ice I'd rather drink it hot
*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery: Faint
*Favorite commercial: Budweiser Frogs
*Favorite cereal: Cocoa Krispies
*Something you'd like to try: Skiing
*What would you do on a first date: Shake from nerves
*Any hobbies: Geneology, collecting 17th & 18th century documents
*Most used website links: Ebay, Ancestry, Obesityhelp.com
*Favorite website: www.berkshumane.org I love puppies
Ehh, I guess...
Then again, I could really be a 60 year old man up here just oogling all the ladies.
It happens. I'm living la vida loca. This is another good reason to change yer names if they show you're full name... there's other stuff I woulda omitted too, but too late, I can't pull my own posts here. Crap.
-Me (errr.... Frank)

To drive you absolutely NUTS- surveys run amuck!
Things to Know about __Dianne
*Birth date:8/22/63
*Age: 41
*Location: Born in St. Louis, MO - live in Louisville, KY
*Your zodiac sign: Leo
*Email: [email protected]
*Weight : 174
*Eye color: brown
*Hair color: brown
*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: righty
*Favorite TV shows: CSI; Law and Order
*Favorite movie you have seen: My First Mister; DeLovely
*Favorite board game: Yatzee
*Favorite magazine: Oprah
*Favorite food: Strawberries
*Least favorite food: tuna
*Favorite ice cream: strawberry
*Favorite kind of perfume/cologne: I hate it all, makes me sick
*Favorite subject in school: Pscyhology
*Least favorite: Statistics
*Favorite thing to drink: Iced Tea
*Favorite CDs: John Hiatt; Lucinda Williams; Jackson Browne
*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Relax
*Best advice: Do something different
*Your favorite artist/group: John Hiatt
*Your favorite holiday: My Birthday
*What's your favorite color? Blue
*Favorite shampoo/conditioner: Redkin for curls
*Person/s that know you the best: Friends - Melanie, Kathryn, Amy
*Loudest person that you know: Gerry
*Craziest/silliest/wierd person that you know: Has to be me
*Favorite friends to hang with: Melanie, Ron, Donna
*If you could meet one person in the world, it would be: Stephen King
*If you could meet any dead person, it would be: Jesus
*The Nicest Guy you've ever met: Joe Wilper
*The Nicest Girl you've ever met: Mary Wilper
*Who's the person you admire most: My sister
*What do you feel about the Ouija board: not much
*Do you believe in yourself: whole heartedly
*Worst feeling in the world: the end of a relationship or the death of a loved one
*Do you have motion sickness:yes
*Are you for world Peace: yes
*What religion are you: I don't know - right now I'm attending an episcopal church
*One thing you want to change about yourself: loose more weight, exercise more, have more energy
*Are you a health freak: no, I wish I was
*Married/Divorced/Separated/Single?: Divorced - twice
*If you could go out with anyone in the world, who: Johnny Depp
*For Girls- like guys with or without hats: with
*For guys- Like girls with or without nail polish:
*When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice: his eyes
*Who was your first crush: Ricky Compton, kindergarten, we shared a candy cane
*Have you ever been in love: 4 times
*What do you remember most about this year: my gastric bypass, pulmonary embolisum, almost dying, moving to a new town, starting a new job.
*Memory (thing) you miss the most: I miss my mom who is deceased
*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: coffee
*Were you "cool" 5 years ago? 10 years ago? In high school?: I was born cool (I have 4 tatoo's to prove it)
*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time: no
*If you could go back in time would you: no
*What would you change: nothing, my experiences made me who I am today. Some of them sucked, but that's what got me here.
*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years: Married, working at the VA, comfortble, in a nice condo, settled, traveling on our vacations, involved in the community
*Future Sons names: no future sons
*Future Daughters names:no future daughters
*If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: when I retire I would like to be an artist for fun and not have to worry if I make any money at it.
*What is your dream car/truck: Lexus
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yes
*What do you wear to bed: PJs
*On a scale from 1-10 (1 lowest) how romantic are you: 8
*If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: a crawdad playing the saxaphone on my shoulder, a four leaf clover on my ankle, a rose on my breast, a seahorse on my other breast...
*Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie: ( I think this is really more than we really need to know about each other don't you) Innie
*Any piercings....where: ear
*What's on your walls in your room: Pictures of angels
*What type of deodorant do you use: secret
*Have you ever been skinny-dipping: yes when I was very young and once when I was married
*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: yes 80 words a minute
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: no
*What's on your mouse pad: the state hospital where I used to work
*How many rings before you answer the phone: 1 - 2
*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: no
*Is the glass half empty or half full: half full
*Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork: fingers
*Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: jello
*Would you rather give or receive: give
*How many homes have you lived in: 9
*How many schools have you went to: 6
*Words or phrases you overuse: Uh huh
*Chocolate or vanilla cake: chocolate
*Drinks, with or without ice cube: with
*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery: pay off my student loan
*Favorite commercial: ?
*Favorite cereal: shredded wheat
*Something you'd like to try: parasailing
*What would you do on a first date:go to a coffee shop
*Any hobbies:stained glass, write poetry, paint, read, walk
*Most used website links:google
*Favorite website: this one
Birth date: May 11, 1968
*Age: 36
*Location: York, PA
*Your zodiac sign: Taurus
*Email: click on my name
*Weight 153
*Eye color:brown/black
*Hair color: Dark Auburn
*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: Right handed
*Favorite TV shows: Friends
*Favorite movie you have seen: Porky's
*Favorite board game: Anything about movie or TV trivia
*Favorite magazine: Cosmo
*Favorite food: Chicken Fajita
*Least favorite food: Fish
*Favorite ice cream: Black Raspberry
*Favorite kind of perfume/cologne: Passion, Poison, Tre Sor and the Old Night Musk scent
*Favorite subject in school: Journalism
*Least favorite: Physics
*Favorite thing to drink:Strawberry Margarita or a nice tall glass of fresh brewed ice tea
*Favorite CDs: Best of Aerosmith, Burned ones with my favorite tunes
*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Play tennis, Hang out by the pool
*Best advice:
*Your favorite artist/group: Aerosmith, KISS, ACDC, Poison
*Your favorite holiday: 4th of July
*What's your favorite color? Green or black
*Favorite shampoo/conditioner: Paul Mitchell Green Tea
*Person/s that know you the best: My best friend Joanne
*Loudest person that you know: My sister Jessie
*Craziest/silliest/wierd person that you know: Other than me, Maureen
*Favorite friends to hang with: Joanne, Steph, Buffy, Maureen, and of course Nick
*If you could meet one person in the world, it would be: Sylvia Brown
*If you could meet any dead person, it would be: Jesus Christ
*The Nicest Guy you've ever met:I have never met any nice guys
*The Nicest Girl you've ever met: my best friend Joanne
*Who's the person you admire most:Dr. Julia Harris, my 6th grade reading teacher
*What do you feel about the Ouija board: I believe
*Do you believe in yourself: No
*Worst feeling in the world: Nausea and migrane headache
*Do you have motion sickness: no
*Are you for world Peace: yes
*What religion are you: Catholic
*One thing you want to change about yourself: I wish I could be neater and more organized
*Are you a health freak: according to my daughter, yes
*Married/Divorced/Separated/Single?: Divorced
*If you could go out with anyone in the world, who: Dean Cain
*For Girls- like guys with or without hats: yes, depends
*For guys- Like girls with or without nail polish:
*When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice: Eyes and teeth
*Who was your first crush: Mike
*Have you ever been in love: Yes
*What do you remember most about this year: The time I share with Nick
*Memory (thing) you miss the most: Miss watching Days of our Lives with my Aunt Gloria, RIP
*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: Is it time to get up already
*Were you "cool" 5 years ago? 10 years ago? In high school?: Yes, Yes, and Yes
*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time: Sometimes but only for the good times
*If you could go back in time would you: If I could yes
*What would you change: I would have not gotten pregnant so early
*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years: Hopefully more financially secure
*Future Sons names: Nicholas Hratts
*Future Daughters names:Isabella Gloria
*If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Writer for a magazine
*What is your dream car/truck: BMW 323i convertible
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Yes
*What do you wear to bed: sweats
*On a scale from 1-10 (1 lowest) how romantic are you: 8
*If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: a shamrock on my foot
*Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie: ( I think this is really more than we really need to know about each other don't you) innie
*Any piercings....where: just my ears and cartlidge
*What's on your walls in your room: pictures of children
*What type of deodorant do you use: Lady Speed Stick Musk
*Have you ever been skinny-dipping: yes
*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: yes
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: no
*What's on your mouse pad: My college Alma Mater
*How many rings before you answer the phone: Three
*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: no
*Is the glass half empty or half full: half full
*Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork: both
*Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-o
*Would you rather give or receive: Give
*How many homes have you lived in: 7
*How many schools have you went to: 7
*Words or phrases you overuse: there are so many
*Chocolate or vanilla cake: Vanilla
*Drinks, with or without ice cube: without
*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery: pay off my house
*Favorite commercial: I fed fluffy
*Favorite cereal: Raison Bran
*Something you'd like to try: Waverunning
*What would you do on a first date: Go to dinner maybe dancing
*Any hobbies: Sports
*Most used website links: OH
*Favorite website: do not really have one
*Birth date: I try not to post this online - but I'll say I'm a Gemini
*Age: Pushing 30
*Location: Twin Cities, Minnesota
*Your zodiac sign: The Twins
*Email: click on my link, it'll get there
*Height: 6'3"
*Weight: 189 this am
*Eye color: hazel
*Hair color: carrots
*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: righty
*Favorite TV shows: Too many to list. Buffy, ER, Ally McBeal, Ab Fab, Farscape, South Park, Family Guy, Star Trek (most all of them), lots more.
*Favorite movie you have seen: Too many to list, Godfather Trilogy, Deloris Claireborne, Austin Powers series, Lost in Translation, Hedwig and the angry inch, Same Time Next Year, The Ghost and Mrs Muir, too many more to name.
*Favorite board game: Trivial Persuit or Apples to Apples
*Favorite magazine: On our backs
if you don't know, don't ask.
*Favorite food: Ones I get to keep after I put them in my mouth
*Least favorite food: Ones I don't get to keep after swallowing
*Favorite ice cream: Bryers no sugar added vanilla or Carb Chocolate - FRICKIN GOOD!
*Favorite kind of perfume/cologne: John Varvartos on my sweetie. . .mmmmmm!
*Favorite subject in school: Psychology (dur!)
*Least favorite: Math. . .but I used to love it.
*Favorite thing to drink: pink grapefruit crystal light slushie with mandarin oranges blended in it
*Favorite CDs: TOO many to name. Best of Bowie, anything NIN or Tool or Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Snoop Dogg, Ani DiFranco, Melissa Ethridge, Paul Van Dyk - awesome techno, Madonna, Dead Can Dance - all of their CDs are incredible. . .but Toward the Within is my favorite, This Mortal Coil - I LOVE them!
*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Snuggle with my baby. Go for a walk around the lakes
*Best advice: Take life one step at a time. . .and make sure your shoes are tied.
*Your favorite artist/group: See above CDs
*Your favorite holiday: April fools day - my surgiversary!
*What's your favorite color? Pink, purple or black
*Favorite shampoo/conditioner: Paul Mitchell Tea Tree or Aveda Rosemary Mint
*Person/s that know you the best: Too many to name.
*Loudest person that you know: Danny Friedman the Jewish Dream
*Craziest/silliest/wierd person that you know: See also Danny
*Favorite friends to hang with: Too many to name
*If you could meet one person in the world, it would be: My father's father. . . .because he never met him either.
*If you could meet any dead person, it would be: see above. . .or Ghandi, Malcom x, Sappho, Elenore Roosevelt, Freud
*The Nicest Guy you've ever met: Prolly my roommie - Dante
*The Nicest Girl you've ever met: Too hard, and women get too hurt if you don't say them.
*Who's the person you admire most: Wow. . .most. . . that's hard. Oprah?
*What do you feel about the Ouija board: Terrified, keep that crap away.
*Do you believe in yourself: Very much so
*Worst feeling in the world: Getting the call that my favorite relative had committed suicide.
*Do you have motion sickness: on icky rides yes, on rollercoasters no.
*Are you for world Peace: yep
*What religion are you: Unitarian - ecclectic
*One thing you want to change about yourself: less hangy skin
*Are you a health freak: getting there
*Married/Divorced/Separated/Single?: single with a dearheart
*If you could go out with anyone in the world, who: my dearheart
*For Girls- like guys with or without hats:Guys with hats
*For guys- Like girls with or without nail polish: girls with nails that are short, clean and freshly buffed
*When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice: that I'm most likely not attracted to them. LOL!
*Who was your first crush: Jon Ironsides
*Have you ever been in love: I am now!
*What do you remember most about this year: Losing someone who weighs what I weigh.
*Memory (thing) you miss the most: My baby, she needs to come home soon.
*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: Good. . .I slept in.
*Were you "cool" 5 years ago? 10 years ago? In high school?: 5 yes, 10 NO, high school bwahahahah get real.
*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time: Nope, this girl is looking forward
*If you could go back in time would you: Prolly not. . .
*What would you change: Not one damn thing. It all has brought me to here, and here is FABULOUS
*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years: Ruling the world. Or rather having a small practice, being married to my sweetie, a 3 year old in the toddler bed, and kitties underfoot
*Future Sons names: unknown
*Future Daughters names: unknown
*If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be:Therapist
*What is your dream car/truck: don't really dream about cars. . .a Hybrid?
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Yes, an eeyore. . .
*What do you wear to bed: usually nothing
*On a scale from 1-10 (1 lowest) how romantic are you: 7
*If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I have 2 on my inner forearms
*Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie: ( I think this is really more than we really need to know about each other don't you) LOL, funny you should ask. When I go in for my tummy tuck, I want to bring in a photo of janet Jackson's belly button - it's the perfect compromise between innie and outtie
*Any piercings....where: only the ears remain *sigh*
*What's on your walls in your room: nothing - its in boxes for this weekends move
*What type of deodorant do you use: God that's personal! Powder fresh dove or secret
*Have you ever been skinny-dipping: Yep!
*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope
*What's on your mouse pad: a nice gel wrist rest
*How many rings before you answer the phone: as many as I can get away with.
*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: yes.
*Is the glass half empty or half full: It's mostly full
*Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork: yes
*Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: Jello
*Would you rather give or receive:yes
*How many homes have you lived in: lots
*How many schools have you went to: lots
*Words or phrases you overuse:like, bunghole, crap, the eff word, durp, dur, Fair enough (I say that one ALL the time)
*Chocolate or vanilla cake: No cake. . .
*Drinks, with or without ice cube: with. . .if I have a jacket
*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery: Want to make out with my sweetie
*Favorite commercial: the one with the monkeys at the office, and they kiss the boss's butt. . .
*Favorite cereal: kashi go lean
*Something you'd like to try: skydiving
*What would you do on a first date: dinner/movie
*Any hobbies: Geeking out, dancing, biking, running, lots of others
*Most used website links: www.livejournal.com. www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity - minnesota forum
*Favorite website: see above
God. . .that was rigoreous