Looking for Apr 26er's ??????????????????????????????????????????
You are not kidding...I've got more drama than I can handle...however, you look amazing I wished I looked so good...clothes on or off... Unfortunately, I am beginning to think my body has found a set point and just won't get off it...so depressing, but I haven't given up.
Hey, you still at Fort Bliss...I work out at Fort Irwin?
Hey there! I'm an April 26ther too!!! Can you guys believe it's been almost a YEAR?!?!?!?!
I've been drafting my "Bandiversary Post" in my head for about a week now. Down -93 lbs. from highest, so it looks like I may even make the CENTURY CLUB by 4/26!
Congrats everyone! A Toast to us ALLL!
LapBand 4/26/05