9 lbs to goal
OK Ladies and Gents,
I am 9 lbs from my goal of 145 lbs, I am finding myself wanting to eat all kinds of junk. Actually today I much prefered a bowl of cerial to left over stuffed shells from last night.
Any suggestions, I am getting my fluids, protein, and taking my vitamins. It has been really raining here so my exercise has been limited but I am feeling stressed because I am so close to my goal I am afraid I am going to start gaining weight and I like wearing a size 8.
What are your suggestions....please help.
Sometimes I have to remember that this surgery is a life-long deal. I keep thinking, okay, ___ to goal ___ to goal, and then it's like, I'm done! Not really, I still have to eat right, forEVER. Forever is a long time. ::sigh:: That's why having treats now and then is no big deal, I just cannot make habit of it...
My only real suggestion is to stay firm with what foods you allow IN your house. If it isn't there, you can't eat it.
This is the only thing that saves me from doing real damage. I have ZERO willpower when faced with treats. So, they can't be here. This includes EASTER candy,
... My little ones have to hide the buckets they got from the party last weekend, because mom is over here gnawing her hand off for Hershey's Kisses.