Tuesday- Food Journals- etc... Post em!

(deactivated member)
on 3/21/05 11:46 pm - South of Boston, MA
Hola gang! Where are you guys?! Quit living life and come post with us, would ya?? Post-em... _____________________________________________________________ Okay, so I did alright yesterday, almost lost it a few times, but ended up just within limits. Today is the same deal, lots of liquids, protein supplement & little foods. Down to 148 today. About time this works again. 18 lbs to goal. Yay. Planning on getting on the treadmill tonight for a long walk, since I missed my window of opportunity to walk (should be out right now) and I don't have a double stroller to take out the bonus child when he gets here in 15... Oops! I'm thinking I should just rename my meal-times, since I seem to eat 6 times a day rather than 3. Meal 1- 1 scoop http://www.vpxsports.com/zero_carb_protein.htm 32 oz Crystal Light Orange Meal 2- 1 scoop http://www.vpxsports.com/zero_carb_protein.htm 32 oz Crystal Light Orange Meal 3- 1 Mini-Carb Snickerdoodle http://www.lowcarbsonline.com/carbsense/snickerdoodle.htm 24 oz iced coffee & 1 oz light cream Beth 'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice. 'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another. However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.' HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 148 GW- 130 http://meltingmama.blogspot.com/
on 3/21/05 11:55 pm - Eleva, WI
B - protein shake, 1 cup coffee with sf creamer S - flax granola bites (100 cal - not the best choice.) cheese stick 44+ oz of crystal lite so far! L - ?? D - ?? My damn scale is still bouncing, but I lost inches!!! This week I lost .25" off my NECK, 1" off my HIPS, 2" off my WAIST!!!, 1.5" off my BREASTS!
(deactivated member)
on 3/22/05 12:02 am - South of Boston, MA
Damn those Flax Granola(s).... I bought some- TWICE, and ate my way through them so fast.... SO so so very good... but deceiving! I still have like 6 snack bags filled with exact serving sizes ... and they're mocking me.... Beth 'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice. 'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another. However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.' HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 148 GW- 130 http://meltingmama.blogspot.com/
Dawn C.
on 3/22/05 1:20 am - Pittsburgh, PA
So far today: Pre-B: 12 oz. water, 1 pkt sf swiss miss cocoa, 1 scoop unflavored Whey protien, splenda (not bad) B- 3/4 c. cottage cheese, 1/2 c. unsweetened applesauce 16 oz. water L - 2 oz. grilled chicken breast, 1/4 c. Fatoush (tomatoes, lettuce, gr. pepper, cukes, and parsley salad in lemon & olive oil), 2 T. hummus, 1/4 of a pita (can you tell I went to my favorite mid-eastern restaurant for lunch) S1- small apple D-probably 1/2 a turkey burger and a spinach salad. Leftovers tonight because the kiddies have swimming lessons at 7. so it's a mad dash home, eat, change them. Dawn 287/192(hoping the scale will move this week!)/165
on 3/22/05 3:28 am - Eleva, WI
I suck. I let stress get the best of me. Had baked ziti with garlic roll for lunch. NOT good. Carb coma knocking at my door. Heart is pounding too from all the carbs. Ick. Dinner will be a protein shake. Liquids going down great today....will be over a gallon by bed time!
(deactivated member)
on 3/22/05 7:54 am - South of Boston, MA
Oh no... {{hugs}} I hate that feeling, it's like impending doooooom. It started to happen today while I was babysitting, and I was like, "OMG, I'm going to have to go to sleep. OMG." It passed. Whew. -beth 313/298/148/130
Donna Paige
on 3/22/05 1:29 am - Pottstown, PA
Hi Beth! I almost didn't recognize you with the new name and all. Life is plenty hectic these days and haven't had time to do much on the internet. I'm in a funk on the weightloss. I lose and I gain. I've been on strictly protein since Thursday. Trying to get a weightloss for my big weight in on my one year checkup which is in 2 weeks. Today I had Breakfast: 4 strips of bacon Lunch: about a 12" length of string kielbasa (it's very small a little larger than slim jim size around) Dinner is probably gonna be more of the same. Weight as of today was back to 184. I had gotten down to 178. Water weight (period for going on 2 weeks now) and who the heck else knows what is happening here but I'm getting major major frustrated. However I've lost a grand total of 2" on my ASS LOL! I'm now comfortably wearing a size 14. I just thought about it. I wonder how much of a difference the doc scales and my scales are gonna weight me. If I put on more according to his I'll probably shoot myself. LOL! not but it will make me ultra blue. Looking forward to spring thaw and buying a whole new wardrobe as I have nothing to wear for the spring/summer months. I'm enjoying buying new bras now. I'm officially in a size 34F now. My back is getting really really small. However the skin is horrific. Wish you all well. My lunch at work is just about over so I better rush off of this site..... Adios for now! Donna Paige
Josie C.
on 3/22/05 1:30 am - High Desert, CA
Stayed the course yesterday...woohoo! But somethings just didn't like me and it seemed I was always trying to after eating 12oz Clight - Lime B = Pepperoni Chips and 1/2c Cottage Cheese Planned: 16.9 Water 16.9 Water L = 3/4c Hamburger Gravy 16.9 Water 16.9 Water S = Protein Bar 16.9 Water D = Dunno 16.9 Water 20.0 Water Yahoo! Exceeded my water goal yesterday and plan on it again today...floating...floating... 343/330/???/180
(deactivated member)
on 3/22/05 1:38 am - South of Boston, MA
Josie- WTG on sticking with it. Crystal Light LIME? I haven't seen this? Tell me, is it really strong? Do you have to dilute it? I love "lime-ade" drinks, but haven't had one in so long, I cut out fruit... Beth 'How puzzling all these changes are,' said Alice. 'I'm never sure what I am going to be from one minute to another. However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is to get into that beautiful garden.' HW- 313 SW- 298 CW- 148 GW- 130 http://meltingmama.blogspot.com/
Josie C.
on 3/22/05 5:59 am - High Desert, CA
Clight...I thought the lime would be strong, but it is very mild...milder than their lemonade. Just follow the instructions...no dilution necessary. Unfortunately, you can only get it in Mexico...I got it while I was on the Cruise to Ensenada and stocked up. They also had a strawberry, green pineapple, and stuff like horchata.
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