Reached Dr.'s Goal ~ Now what?!?
Okay so this is a happy post! I am proud to say I am 1# BELOW my dr's goal for me at the end of next month. I have lost 75% of my excess weight .... Now what?? I am stuck as to what my next goal should be ... should I pick a new # or should I just go with the flow? I am happy with me for the 1st time in a long time ~ and I don't know if I set a number goal if I will let myself down if I don't get there ...
Any Suggestions or Ideas??
I just updated my profile, this is part of my entry:
I am still planned to have my Reconstructive Surgery on the 5th of April - I am so excited at the thought of being able to wear tank tops & short sleeves this summer! *** I have to say for the 1st time in a long time I was able to look at myself in a full length mirror with just my skivies on & I was "Happy" with what I saw (knowing I was getting the Reconstructives done). HONESTLY if I didn't lose another pound I would be fine. I would love to lose the additional 20#, but if I cannot do it - that is alright with me. My goal was not a number on the scale - it was a feeling of completeness ... and I have that now (oh great, here come the tears) I feel alive, I feel comfortable in my skin for the 1st time in A LONG time, I feel pretty, I feel attractive, I feel worthy of love ... It is AWESOME and I hope that everyone in their lifetime can feel this way. I am excited to see what life has in store for me - I am ready to explore.
Congrats on reaching docs' goal! That's remarkable.
I will say it again, you really need to be the poster-girl for your surgeon... you were gorgeous pre-op, but now, you're beaming... photogenic...
I kinda wish my doc had given me a goal number... sometimes, anyway! All they really told me was "expect to lose 60-80% excess weight, and expect to regain a small amount." Well,that sounded marvelous a year ago, I never imagined I'd lose as much as I HAVE, but... I'm still not content.
I can't wait till I feel what you've described above, as the "completeness"... I'm still far from attaining that, and I hope to get there someday, soon.
I've spent some time standing in front of the mirror wondering what happened to me. I look like a medical abnormality, and I can't seem to block that out to see that I do have a decent shape under all of THAT, you know? I'm so frustrated, knowing I CAN'T wear short sleeves, tank tops, shorts, none of it, because it shows. I don't want to look like a freak, and I feel I do when my skin shows. All dressed up, you'd NEVER know I was way over 300 lbs... and I like it like *that*....
When it rains it pours and opens doors
And floods the floors we thought would always keep us safe and dry
And in the midst of sailing ships we sink our lips into the ones we love
Beth's Stats:
HW 313+/SW 298/CW 148-155 *not weighing*/GWR 114-151
Bob's Stats:
HW 360+/SW 340/CW 199 HOLY COW!!
/GWR 150-175

Don't get me wrong - I am no where near perfect! I will eventually need a thigh lift also - right now they look like someone deflated a balloon on my thighs ... but I am content ... I like how I look with my clothing on & I am content with the way I look with them off - believe me though the lights will still be off at those ~ uhm ~ "intimate times" that is for sure
I was never perfect or "Thin" and I know I never will be - but being happy on the inside is what is important.
I just feel so good having lost 140# ... I am on that ride ~ and enjoying every minute.
I just got back from the PS and he said that I am the perfect candidate for Plastic Surgery because I know I am not perfect & never will be. He thinks I will benefit a lot from my Reconstructives because I am just looking to be "better" then I am - not another person completely.

WOW Sue, congrats on reaching your goal!!
what next? i say pat yourself on the back girlfriend, you look FANTASTIC, but more importantly your attitude about feeling complete is to be commended!!! you are an inspiration!!!! love the pictures on your profile, I can see in your face how happy you are, and we're just as happy for you!! way to go!!! ~Kim